my issue with the republicans, specifically, with THESE republicans, is that things that are mjor deals to me tend not to be considered by other people. terrorism, whatever. jobs, i'll deal. education? who needs it. but the patriot act, and variations thereof (which i'm CERTAIN we'll now see more of in the next 4 years) completely eliminate the idea of a free and democratic media, rendering me, my major, my field, and everything i stand for, completely useless.
i'm pissed because clearchannel will now have the means to legitamtely own EVERYTHING, and i am, along with the entire music industry, summarily fucked.
that was very level headed and I admire you for it. I guess I am so used to getting my political way in Canada(Liberal for the last decade) so I can't say that I would be taking things as calmly and in stride as you are. I think the fight needs to begin now. There is 49% of the US population who will not have their voices heard now that the white house and the house are both firmly under republican control. I think this is a great time for change, a great time for people like you and other democrats who want their voices to be heard to have their say. There are four openings on the supreme court bench that will be filled by Bush Inc and this is a chance for people like you to stand up and be heard. To not go quietly into that peaceful night, and show the same passion and vigor for democracy and for the representation of all people that you did during the election.
Comments 2
i'm pissed because clearchannel will now have the means to legitamtely own EVERYTHING, and i am, along with the entire music industry, summarily fucked.
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