OOOOK! - You all ready?
Last week, about 12 or so, I was in my OB Doctors office, and said doctor had his fingers in places that will remain unmentioned! - He then told me that I was 3cm dilated and 50 to 75% effaced, which pretty much means things had started happening! - But he said I could go like that for another couple weeks... (OR NOT!) That night I woke up about midnight or so and just wondered around my house, which isn't odd. But I then went back to bed... and slept for 10 hours! -- Woke up around 10, took a shower, got dressed, put on makeup.. AND THEN my water broke! I told my mom, who called my dad and told him. Then we were off to the hospital!! We got there about 1:30 and I was having pretty major contractions - They gave me some mild drugs and things got a little better... (I don’t really remember this part..- I was drugged) THEN - they ask if I wanted the epidural (more drugs) - haha, YES! - EXCEPT! There was 10
C-sections happening at the same time! - So I had to wait for the drug guy..
:[ ... Um, then some more stuff happened that I don’t rememberrr! Then the epidural... Then pushing.. and breathing.. and an oxygen mask on my face.. and not being able to feel my legss, or anything else below my waist..!! AND THEN THERE WAS A BABYYYY!! (and some stitches) At some point in there they had to make a small cut, so his head would come out alright.. But I honestly have NO idea when it happened! Riley Evan Linch was born at 6:37pm - Friday March 3rd 2006! - The nurses took him, and weighed him and measured - 6lb 2oz and 19 1/2 inches. --- I can't even find words to describe how amazing it was! Or how amazing he is!
The next couple days are really a blur of hospitalness.. Tk, and The girls, plus other family and friends visited! And by Sunday I was SOOO ready to go home!
Not much has happened since.. I have spent most of these days at home, just watching Riley.. napping with Riley.. holding Riley.. --Except last night, I took him to the dance studio!! Trisha and Christine painted his foot and he signed the poster from Cats - Cause he was in it! -- It was nice to see the girls again! I really can't wait till I can dance again
In other news - I weighed myself yesterday... I weigh 112lbs - which is pretty much what I weighed BEFORE being pregnant! Sooo yeah, no baby weight! Trisha is still gonna get me to lose weight though... as soon as I go back to dance! (which wont be for like 6 weeks or so…)
Also in other news- Kyle and I are "together" again. -- He has been amazing the past couple months.. I can't even describe it.. And that’s all I'll say!
I am not sure why - but Riley makes me sure that this was suppose to happen.. And although maybe WE didn't plan for it.. Someone/something did..! And that’s pretty amazing...
Yeah, Yeah - I know - now the pictures!
My doc!
mmm, babyyy!
Kyle and Riley and I!
My amazing parents!
Tk and Riley!!
Julie, my second mom!
Emily and Riley
One of my favorite pictures!
Miss Trisha!
Miss Christine
Painting the foot!
Deb and Riley
The bow is almost bigger than his head!
My mostmostmost favorite so far!!
I am sure there will be more pictures soon - cause everything he does is sooo cute!
I love you all!