'>Theres so much that i could be doing right now. i could be cleaning the spare bedroom out to be painted (black if you wanna know :P ), or i could be ummm... hanging out with jesse in the living room? damn. i really dont have anything else to do besides hang out here in my room, mind numbingly clicking from one website to another... ahhhh the boredom... i love it.
btw... i know i havent posted in a while... but its not becasue i'm not here. its because .. well.. *sigh* i come on here and read everyone under my friends list, make a few comments and then forget about updating mine LOL. i'm so slack sometimes. argh.
jesse, me, joan, and scott went to walmart a little while ago.. bout and hour ago. jesse finally got himself a playstation 2 and two games, a skateboarding game and a atv game. i got new makeup.. and believe me it was past time for foundation lol. i also got some new undies.. the are boy-cut and have a lil monkey on the front right corner that says Monkey Business and on the back it has a lil dollar bill that says something... but i'm stoned and cant remember and they're in the washer right now... so yea, damn. i also bought some new lotion. Jergens shimmer kind.. its really purdy and shiney. hmmm... lets see...
omg. i talked to my mom the other day. well get this, she went to the dentist in May for a root canal. while the dentist was drilling her tooth, the drill bit slid down moms throat! he pulled her up and was saying "damnit damnit damnit..." and told her and she, being all ditzymomma, says "no i didnt." and he just looks at her and says "yes, Freda YOU DID! her throat had been numb... the dentist got worried and in turn my mom started worring... well they had to take her to the ER in the next town over (thier town is so small you can drive thru it in 5min! no shit!). they had to put her to sleep and they went in thru her throat with a lil tube with some kinda magnetic thing on the end i think. the docs were afraid to move her much or to let it stay there to long because it had a long needle type ending and had spiked edges and they thought it would either start for her intestines or when they were to bring it back up that it would puncture her lungs. when i found out, and keep in mind this was in May and i didnt find out until 3 DAYS AGO, i freaked. damn momma scared the hell out of me. i asked her why she didnt tell me and she said she didnt want anyone to know about her screw up. her screw up! can u believe she isnt suing him?! i mean i know it was an accident and all but daYum..grrr. but yea, shes doing just fine.. yea i bet she is ..four months later! ... *snicker* ok, i'm done ranting about her not telling me. :P
damn. this is one loooong entry but i also wanna share something i bought last weekend at the flea market. i'll have to get a pic of it tomorrow .. or later. its a brown lether belt with harley davidson symbols all over it and says victoria across the back. and the buckle is brown lether that has V<3J (picture a heart in the mid.) i love it... blahbity blahbity blah blah blah. i think i might be thru for tongigh. yea.. sounds good. laterz.
victoriajuana *smoochies*