Title: Take A Breath (And Ask Yourself What Matters)
Pairing: Brendon/Spencer
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Breathplay
Wordcount: 457
A/N: Last night I had a few glasses of sparkling wine and when it was time for bed I didn't feel like sleeping. So I wrote porn. My mind gets pretty dirty as soon as I get some alcohol in my system (okay, fine, my mind is always pretty dirty, but it gets worse). Considering that this is the second ficlet this summer revolving around a kink, maybe I should've singend up for kink_bingo ;). So this is PWP, and I'm not even sure it really makes sense to anyone else but in my mind it did. At least yesterday, haha. Title from The Academy Is...
Spencer is struggling for a breath. His mouth is pressed into the pillow, a hand, Brendon's hand, holding him there firmly. His cock is trapped against the mattress in the same way that his face is against the pillow. If he'd really try, Spencer could move his face to the side and get a breath of air more freely, or he could move his hips to get some friction on his aching cock. But he doesn't. He leaves it up to Brendon to decide when he needs it.
It's what makes them work. Spencer knowing what Brendon needs outside of the bedroom. A firm voice to assure him that he's making the right decisions, doing what is the best for the band, for him, and in return Spencer needs Brendon to give him what he needs out of the public eye.
Letting go off control has always been hard for Spencer. Even as a child he wanted order and needed to know that things were going according to plan and the way that he'd planned them. Anything else made him feel out of sorts and anxious. Spencer used to be the steady one for Ryan. The one that kept Ryan from making the mistakes that would've been too costly, both professionally and personally, but when Ryan found himself capable, or at least unwilling, to let himself be guided from Spencer, Spencer found himself lost and confused. He didn't know what to when he lost the control he though he'd had over the situation. The aftermath of Ryan making his own decisions didn't help either. It ended up with Spencer feeling like he could have prevented them if he'd just would've had the chance to. Now he feels grateful for Brendon, and the fact that they compliment each other in ways that he and Ryan never did.
With Brendon he can let it all go. Trust Brendon to do what will be the best for the both of them. Trust that Brendon will break down all the barriers, break Spencer, but won't leave him in pieces.
There's little dots forming before Spencer's eyes, and just as he thinks he'll have to give in to unconsciousness, Brendon lifts his head up from the pillow, turning it slightly to the right, letting the air flow easily into Spencer's nose and mouth again. The flow of oxygen is intoxicating and Spencer can't help but to moan. Brendon presses Spencer's hips down on the mattress and whispers into his ear “Come on, Spencer” and that's all it takes. Spencer feels the wetness spread on the sheet beneath him as he comes with a deep groan. He feels Brendon kiss the back of his neck softly.
Brendon put the pieces back together.