Crossover time! Guess what two fandoms!

Sep 29, 2011 14:52

---tencacleTherapist [TT] started pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at [19:22]---

TT: Would you happen to be making dinner right now?

EB: nah, karkat has me a little preoccupied.

TT: So carefully you phrased that.

TT: If you are in the middle of something, please feel free to disregard any messages from me or other persons until you are, ah, finished.

EB: haha, it’s not a problem!

EB: he just got home, dropped his bag on the floor, shoved me on the couch…

TT: Please don’t finish that sentence.

EB: and started making sweet sweet rem cycles on me.

TT: …

EB: hehehehe.

TT: I will probably regret asking this, but did he intend to fall asleep, or is it just a happenstance that occurred because of your prowess or lack thereof?

EB: rude!!!!!!!!

EB: but considering he handed me my phone and the tv remote before he settled in, and didn’t even try to engage in sloppy makeouts, i’m going to have to guess that he was just really tired.

EB: ):

TT: Has he shown any beginning signs of the reoccurring nightmare?

EB: not yet. he might just be trying to sleep during the day and see if that changes anything.

EB: also, i think he misses cuddling.

EB: his boss messaged me and told me to do something about him because he’s messing up on the show a lot lately.

TT: It could be a result of his inability to obtain a full night’s sleep for the past week and a half. In fact, I suspect that is probably the primary reasons for his behavior.

TT: I take it you’re not going to move until he wakes up again.

EB: not if i can help it.

TT: Excellent. I will bring home dinner then.

EB: dave says he wants mexican and jade wants chinese.

TT: And what are you in the mood for?

EB: karkat smells like garlic for some reason, so i’m craving italian.

TT: Olive Garden To Go it is. I will see you in a while.

TT: Wait, Dave and Jade are with you?

EB: yeah! dave’s taking pictures of me and karkat and jade’s watching big bang theory.

TT: We are the epitome of risqué living, aren’t we?

EB: haha!

TT: Make sure they stay where they are. I have something I would like to discuss with all of you over dinner.

TT: I have informed some local paranormal investigating services to look into the problem we are currently facing.

TT: Only one has gotten back to me, but they have promised an agent to our case.

EB: we have local paranormal investigators???

EB: why didn’t i know that??? that would have been the coolest job ever!

TT: I believe it is a non-profit organization and most of the agents are volunteers. They are amateurs and have had no training in investigation.

TT: In other words, I believe I have just enlisted the help of a band of Twilight fans.

EB: well at least karkat will get along with them.

EB: unless they’re all team edward.

TT: Just so. I have given them a list of the occurrences here in the neighborhood and throughout the city, along with copies of articles discussing the investigation behind the reasons for this unusual situation.

TT: Also, I have informed them of the nightmares myself and a few of my acquaintances have been victim to.

EB: wait, you’ve been having nightmares too?

TT: Yes, though not to the extent of what Karkat has been having. Any dream involving the Eldritch Gods and horrorterrors is unpleasant in nature.

EB: i’m sorry. we didn’t notice. ):

TT: No apology necessary. It has been a rough week for everyone. Between your weekend of dealing with a mentally traumatized lover and forcing Karkat to switch bedmates every night so none of us are totally sleep-deprived, I think we are all a bit on edge.

EB: yeah, i guess.

EB: and as much as it totally sucks, i’m really glad you guys are helping me out on this. i’m sure karkat’s grateful too.

EB: it’s just…

EB: i really missed him. ):

TT: I know. That’s why I would like to get to the bottom of this. The nightmares started about the same time as the missing persons disappeared and things started going wrong in the city. I believe they are connected, but I have no idea how.

TT: That is why I contacted the ‘professionals.’

TT: We will see how it turns out. Or if it helps at all.

EB: who knows! maybe we’ll get a totally badass and streetwise maverick to save the day!

EB: or buffy. buffy would be good too.

TT: I would rather enjoy having Sarah Michelle Gellar investigating our case, yes.

EB: hehehehehe!

TT: I am heading home now with the food.

EB: okay! see you when you get here!

EB: <3

TT: …

TT: <3

EB: haha!

---tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at [20:05]---

You can probably see where this is going. >___>;
I promise it'll get funnier.

(Oh my god, why is John so ardorable?)

char convo, homestuck, another story, crossover

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