y o u k n o w i am in trouble lately;
Name; Eliza Jacqueline Harker.
Age; 20. (And will look like it forever.)
Powers; Superhuman strength and speed, regenerative abilities, able to see at night, ability to influence carnivorous animals, capable of clouding the minds of others; requires blood to survive.
Family; Lucy Harker (mother), Quincy Harker II (father, deceased), Samuel Harker (brother).
y o u ' v e g o t m y mind going crazy;
Just the latest in a long line of children fixing their ancestors' best intentions.
And failing.
a n d n o w i a m s i c k i cannot function anymore;
Player; Todd.
AIM; freeisforfoxes.
Email; toddDOTzehnerATgmailDOTcom.
PB; Winona Ryder.
introublelately is a journal made for roleplaying purposes at
A Note; This is a horror character, and deals with horrific situations. Expect explicit violent and explicit sexual situations. If you cannot handle such things, DO NOT CLICK PAST ANY CUTS YOU SEE.