This week's theme is:
Your icon must feature an image from the official (Japanese) Inuyasha 2003 Calendar. I've provided images but feel free to use your own scans if you wish.
You may submit up to TWO ICONS.
CoverGenFebMarAprMayJuneJulAugSeptOctNovDec You have until SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND AT 1 PM EST to get your icons in. At that time, I'll be putting up the voting post.
So comment to this post (make sure you're signed in- comments will be screened) with the following information:
Your icon submission: ( img src= " url goes here " )(remove spaces)
URL of icon:
Anything else I may need to know:
All icons must be at LiveJournal standard (100x100px, 40kb).
I hope to see lots of entries. Have fun! ^^