Excel -
I am sorry that I did not say goodbye to you in person. I intended to. However, I had some concerns with your possible reaction to the knowledge that I would be leaving. I was not going to give up my chance to leave, not for anything or anyone. However, that does not mean that I do not regret not saying goodbye.
I do not have a great deal to say. I enjoyed our conversations and your insights on many matters. We were at odds on some subjects, particularly ones involving subjugation, brain-washing, and ACROSS. Still, whatever you said was interesting and provided another viewpoint for me to consider.
Due to your belief in the abilities of Il Palazzo, I did not include detailed instructions on how to leave this camp in this letter. However, if you are curious, you may speak with Buffy. I have written instructions in her letter. There is a low probability that they will remain as I have written them but there is always that small probability. Perhaps you could give Il Palazzo a hint on how to leave when he decides that it is time for ACROSS to move on.
Excel, believe more in yourself. You are strong with Il Palazzo, but you are also strong without him. Do not forget that. If I say it is so, then it is. Also, please attempt to be more careful. No one should have the multiple experience of being run over by an automobile ever.
I will miss you by an amount of approximately 93%.
- Inui
Tezuka -
Included below are
detailed instructions for leaving this camp. Admittedly, the level of detail is unnecessary considering how easy it ultimately is, but precision never hurts. I do not expect the instructions to remain intact since there is a 97% chance that the camp will tamper with this letter, but it would be foolish of me not to at least attempt the straightforward approach.
I apologize that I did not inform you of my plans and intention. To be truthful, I had concerns that the Director would find some manner to prevent me from leaving if I informed someone else of what I discovered. I have been in this camp for 1 year, 2 months, and 1 day; I was not going to jeopardize my first true chance at escaping. If I were a less selfish person, I would have given the chance to you so that you could lead Seigaku through Nationals; at it is, I was not willing to spend even one more day here.
It is my hope that I return to the same time I was taken. I look forward to seeing you at Nationals, Tezuka. I look forward to seeing you play again, fully healed. It will provide me with more excellent data. At camp, I had time to work the statistics some new strategies and even some new doubles combinations. For example, I think the pairing of you and myself might have some merit to it. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you back in Japan.
Be careful during your remaining time at camp.
- Inui
Buffy -
In this letter, I have included
detailed instructions for leaving this camp. If they remain intact and legible, you may do as you wish with them. However, I do not anticipate that the camp will not tamper with them. I have also included a training menu suited to your specific abilities. Liberties were taken with certain details and I could only be as accurate as observation of your strengths would allow me. I hope that it is useful to you in some capacity, however.
There is not a lot for me to say. While you have a great deal of acquaintances and friendship in the camp, I appreciate the conversations we had together. Particularly due to the all the data on sarcasm that I was able to collect; even if I am not adept at utilizing it myself, the fact that I may be able to identify it with more reliability is of great possible use to me. I hope that my attempts to analyze your sarcasm provided entertainment for you.
I know we have differences on how camp time should be spent. I could not stop looking for a way out, even when those from my team arrived. It simply is not in my data to accept such a defeat. Anything can be accomplished with enough knowledge, even such goals that seem impossible. And yet, at times I do feel that you had a better stance; if I had not been stubborn on the escape issue, my time at camp may have been easier. The concept of acceptance of things that are difficult for me to control is something that I will have to work on.
Please be careful when initially trying the training menu, particularly on the shuttle runs. I was ambitious for the first number of repetitions and am uncertain if your muscles will be able to handle the stress. And yes, I took your increased physical capabilities into the account.
Stay well.
- Inui
Omi -
Enclosed in this letter are
specific instructions on the method that I utilized to escape the camp. What you do with them, if they remain legible and untampered with, is your decision. However, considering the odds, I do not expect them to remain as I have originally written them.
I comprehend that we have not talked lately; there is a great probability that is my fault. I have not spent much time doing anything else besides training and deciphering Renji's clue. However, I still think favorably of your kindness and friendship. I wish you well on your current agreement with Hidaka Ken and Francescu Gargamel; for all that I do not know specifics, it is clear that something is happening. That you have been happier of late was good to see.
As for the possibility of you returning to your world, I hope that you will consider going to a different one if given the opportunity. With your intelligence and abilities, there are better life choices than being an assassin. I hope you take the chance to try them. My analyses on your data has indicated that you may have already made a decision to not return to your world, but I could be incorrect. If I am, at least continue to keep your mind open to the possibility of something else.
I am leaving you my camp laptop with an exact copy of the camp data that I have collected on it. I deleted the personal camper data for obvious reasons. If anything I have collected is of use to you, I will be pleased. As a quick note, if Fuji Syuusuke asks to see the data, please let him.
While there is a low probability of it, if you ever find yourself in the same reality as I, I would not be adverse to continuing our friendship.
I wish you well.
- Inui
Fuji -
As you would expect, I have
included instructions on how I have left this camp in this letter. There is a low probability that what I have written will remain untampered by the camp; however, it would have been foolish of me to not even try this obvious method.
I am certain that I do not need to inform you of this, but it would behoove you to keep an eye on Tezuka. My data on you is not exactly reliable, as you wish it to be, but I can at least calculate that you would have an easier time at camp than he. In certain ways, Tezuka and my temperaments are similar and I did not handle this place as well as I should have. Furthermore, the possibility that he might be missing Nationals is a trying one for him, particularly since he is Seigaku's captain. It is my hope that we are all returned to the same time as we are taken but it is not a certainty and he knows it. Not that I would be so foolish to say that Tezuka needs to "talk" about such issues, but it would be a good thing to be cognizant of such things.
I have left my computer with my camp data and analyses to Tsukiyono Omi. If you desire to take a look at what I had collected and calculated, please show Omi this letter and ask to see the data. Perhaps you will find an alternative way to leave that I had overlooked. That would not surprise me in the least.
I look forward to seeing you in Japan again, Fuji. I especially look forward to collecting more of your data during Nationals. I will eventually figure your data out; it is the only end result possible, given enough time.
- Inui