Catch Up

Jun 27, 2010 01:26

Hoo, buddy. I sense a long one coming. Let me try to cover the basics and then we'll see if it pans out into anything longer.

So Spring semester let out with a shit ton of craziness. For a week I wasn't sure where I was going to live for the summer and had no idea where money was coming from and was informed that my entire family was engaged. But then Laura and Sonja and I magically found an apartment that within walking distance of campus with three passable bedrooms and a modest rent. I moved in on Finals day and have been chilling out here since. There's no AC, but we've got fans and another month to go until Sonja officially moves in. Mom and Dad have remarried, but Kira and her fiancee are giving it another year at least before they're even thinking of planning a date.
On a downer of a note, I still have no job. The money won't technically be coming in until September because they're student loans, so I'm leeching off of my poor dad in the meantime. Mumsie and I are basically on the outs with each other and are only sort of communicating because of my financial situation. I'm hoping that turns around and this relationship can be revived, but I'm tired of trying to meet her unrealistic expectations.
In better news, the rest of my relationships seem to be pretty healthy. I'm keeping in contact with friends how I can while no one is in town--by facebook, phone, or mail--and have even gone on a few dates. That's right. Real dates. With multiple people. What craziness.
One of the girls lives in Boone and we keep in contact mostly by e-mail. She's both active and an activist. She was in Asheville for a conference about domestic violence this week and when it was done we met up for dinner. Laura says she sounds similar to me (active? activist? Where do I fit this?) and not to expect too much out of it, but holy McJesus. This girl is sosososo cute. For my sake, I hope Laura's wrong and she likes me enough to plan a second date.
The other girl lives town and we see each other maybe once a week or so. She's cute too, but in a really different way. She's not the type I usually go for but she's sweet and fun and I really like hanging out with her. I like her a lot. :]

Aaaaaand that's as much as I think I can cover tonight. But I'd really like to cover more later, so I'll try to get my butt back on to update more frequently.
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