6/11-14 | Update

Jun 17, 2009 02:49

Yea, so it's Wednesday now. Sue me.
I just realized that I haven't posted an update about the trip to Winston and thought now would be as good a time as any to do so.

Laura and Lucy drove down to pick me up in the early afternoon because they're awesome like that but suffered from all kinds of driving misadventures. Not only did they get lost on some sketch backroads, but they are got stuck in hideous traffic. Twice. While they were late to arrive, I was super pumped to be able to load my crap in the trunk and drive off.
Once in Winston, we dropped Lucy off at her mumsie's and drove to the house where we ate some dinner before making brownies for class the next day. We stayed up late talking and generally goofing off before passing listening to Harry Potter on CD.
On Friday we relaxed our way through the morning before rushing off to class where we started reading "The Real Thing" by Tom Stoppard. It was entertaining if not just plain interesting; I read the role of a woman throwing herself at some man. The best part was that Laura was wedged awkwardly between myself and the character I was begging to "Touch me~!" Hilarity ensued.
After class, we traveled back to the house where Lucy and Hannah met us soon after and the festival began! We ended up watching Better Than Chocolate, My Summer of Love, But I'm a Cheerleader, and The Incredibly True Adventures of 2 Girls in Love. I really loved My Summer of Love, but I think I was the only one that seemed to appreciate it as the others just thought it was an unnecessary downer.
On that note, everyone agreed that Better Than Chocolate was cute, even though we all loved the trans character Judy and her partner Francis way more than we did the main couple. We also deduced that it is mandatory for the main characters in lesbian films to be utterly fucking retarded.
Overall, the evening was a grand success. We cleaned up a bit and wandered into the hallway where we all flopped onto the floor to talk. Lucy and I bonded over Loli and J-Rock while Hannah and Laura tried to explain complex Salem relationships to us. Sleep did not come to us until sunrise.
We woke up an hour or two later to start our crazy Saturday. Hannah and Laura and myself left around eight to return the rental car Laura was using and pick up her patched up baby. After coming back to the house for some breakfast, Hannah left for the stables and Laura and I climbed back into bed for a nap. Sometime in those few hours Lucy left for home and Lillian called me to talk about something that I could not focus on as I was incoherent. We decided we had to roll out of bed at noon thirty to start running errands and from there the day was sort of non-stop. Groceries and dog walking and cleaning and things were dealt with before we traveled to Nina's to perm her hair. Then we had and incredibly good vegetarian dinner with Nina and the Lovett's only to end the evening with another gay themed movie: Maurice. While the movie was good, it was so long! We got back to the house after midnight and then stayed up talking like idiots despite our delirium.
Sunday morning was slow to wake up to. We sort of grabbed some clothes and threw down some tea before picking Lucy up for the drive back to Charlotte. The drive back was smooth enough and after a shower and a change of shirts, I was ready to go babysitting.
Amy picked me up around three and we stood around kind of twiddling our thumbs before the family left us with the chillens: Ethan, Maddie, Maggie and Judgie. Well, Jon Williams, but since we were not allowed to call him Jon for short, we were told to use his nickname, Judgie. I just went with it. (But seriously- poor kid.) Although we had one minor screaming session from Maddie, the evening went rather well. Five hours of child watching got me fifty dollars and some sushi.
All in all, I give the weekend an 8 out of 10.  :]

Oh! And just in case anyone cares or has continued reading, nothing happened between Laura and myself despite all kinds of somewhat provoking situations. We shared a bed, watched a dozen lesbian sex scenes while sitting next to one another and even helped each other change, but it was all safe and surprisingly not awkward.
I am so far beyond relieved.
It's really refreshing to have a friendship with someone that I can relax around.
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