Title: Untouchable
queenofsocks (Lily the Frog Princess)
Character/Pairing: Sango, Sango/Miroku, hints of Inuyasha/Kagome
Rating: K
Word Count: 630
Summary: Sango shares a moment with an important person in her life.
“Will you tell me again?”
Sango blinked, looking down at the soft, warm bundle she held in her lap. “The same story? But you’ve heard it a hundred times!”
“It’s my favorite,” the child protested, wiggling a little. Laughing, Sango took the three-year-old by the waist and tucked her securely into the crook of her elbow.
“All right. Be still, and I’ll tell you.” As the child settled down, her eyes shining, the taijiya carefully tucked a strand of hair behind Midori’s ear. “After my village was slaughtered-“ she swallowed, always finding those words hard-“I was tricked by Naraku into fighting Inuyasha, the great hanyou. At the end of my battle with him, I was so weak that I slept for many, many days. When I awoke, I was taken in by the strangest group; a group of people who would become my greatest friends.
“Your father was the first person I learned to trust. He was intimidating, and did things that always confused me, but there was something about him that attracted me. He didn’t exactly respect me- or any woman for that matter- at first. But I thought we fought well together, and he was glad I could fight. I knew he feared becoming attached to another person. He kept his distance with everyone.”
Midori smiled, and Sango idly caressed her cheek.
“I learned to love and trust everyone else in the group as well. Even as I became closer to Kagome and Shippou, I yearned to puzzle out the mystery that was your father. Once I asked him, ‘Do you fear death?’
‘No,’ he replied. ‘I never have.’
‘Why?’ I asked him. I had almost died once, and it had been a frightening experience for me. Waking up in darkness, not being able to breathe, trapped in an earthy prison.
‘I’ve always been prepared to die,’ is what he told me, and though he didn’t look at me as he said this, I knew his eyes were shining. He made me feel strong, that day, and I held him close, absorbing his worry and pain into my own body.
‘We’ll destroy him,’ I said. ‘He won’t be able to hurt us anymore.’
And we did.”
Midori shifted restlessly in Sango’s arms, trying to find a more comfortable position. “And Daddy didn’t die, of course.”
“No, of course not. I think he expected to; I think we all expected to die. But we survived, and looked forward to long lives together. Your father found me after that final battle, and clasped my hand.
‘Thank you,’ he told me, and I knew he was thanking me for that time I’d supported him.”
Midori giggled. “And then Daddy came here, and I was born!”
“Yes,” Sango smiled, tickling her feet. “You are his greatest treasure, Midori. Never doubt that.”
The taijiya suddenly heard footsteps outside the hut, and glanced up as Kagome appeared, lifting aside the flap to let warm sunlight through.
“Hi, Sango,” she said, sounding tired. “I’m sorry I’m late; Inuyasha was being a little stubborn.”
“That’s okay, Kagome-chan.” Sango stood, hefting Midori in her arms. She passed the child carefully onto her mother. “I like babysitting.”
“I can’t thank you enough.” The miko hugged her friend, let Midori say goodbye, and ran out of the hut towards her husband, who leaned in to pat their baby’s silver head.
Miroku came up behind Sango and embraced her, and Sango pressed her face into his arm.
“Soon,” he murmured in her ear, hoping she would not cry again. “Soon, my heart.”