inuyasha oneshot || amber;

May 20, 2009 03:49

pairing: Inuyasha X Kagome
rating: PG

It had been sunny this morning, so what was with the sudden change? Kagome was sitting on the windowsill and counting the rhthyms that went by with raindrops. Something pink in her mind; some feeling of uneasiness, happiness crushing velvet in her heart. She tapped her fingers impatiently; felt her hair dripping dry.

Then, you could hear everything in the house in the gloomy afternoon. The suburb silence was forbidding. It didn’t seem like there was any escape from this gray feeling, and a nervous twitch coarsed in her limbs- a feeling like electricity itching in her blood.

It wasn’t the blood that bothered her, and it wasn’t the fighting. Even the panic and the anxiety (like shots of frenzied energy to the mind only speakin' doom) was alright- well, when it was over, that was...

She didn’t bother to lean against, didn’t see a reason to. The smells of late lunch suddenly came from downstairs. Clocks were ticking empty sounds in the hallways. She guessed sometimes it didn’t matter what happened before- because when it came down to it, change was all there was, uprooting hearts and dreams. Stories and memories like old paper and tea; you could only tell further down the line.

Against the quick quiet a door downstairs slid open. A car rushed in the wet outside. Dreams of "if only" rang through her thoughts...then, footsteps up the stairs. Her senses went hot and cold for a moment, and though she couldn’t feel it in her heart, her fingers were tensing at her clothes.

Inuyasha’s ears were twitching- that was the first part of him she saw, and her heart became like liquid. He moved easily, taking his time.

His eyes fell on her; their light as usual quick as lightning- something warm, something sweet...but then, there was always a loneliness in his face. The air seemed to be frosted with snow for a moment and the sounds ceased. "Oh, hey," he said, with a slight nod of the head, as though he’d been there all along, like it was his house.

The gray feeling rushed from her body. There was only this warm relief, this feeling like the sun through glass washing over her, changing her vision to amber, light amber, like a slow alcohol buzz drifting into radiance...she got up from her place and moved toward him, closing the space between. She knew he was lonely- so was she, they’d always been, but then there was something about him that made it all look fine. She knew, she'd always know- the smell of his hair like firewood smoke and green oxygen flooded into her heart.
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