Drabbles -- Kingdoms!Verse and Squarewarts!Verse

Oct 02, 2009 08:25

Title: Firsts

Character: Ovelia Atkascha

Fandom: Final Fantasy Tactics / Romance of the Infinite Kingdoms

Genre: Humor

Rating: G

The first time Ovelia used a bow, it was shortly after the accident. On a hobbled leg she would stand, leaning against a tree to hold the bow back, and try to let the arrow fly.

The first time Ovelia had ever needed to use practical medicine was on the very same day, when her kindly caretaker had walked in front of her shot, arrow getting lodged, though quite loosely, within the flesh of his arm.

Title: Medicine

Characters: Ovelia Atkascha, Delita Heiral

Genre: General

Rating: G

He had always told her that it was a silly thing. She was of noble blood, a lady; she was not suited for the world of battle, and had no need for the skills that she was trying to cultivate. Leave that for the military doctors, the men of war...those who would have less risk of getting killed on the battlefield than she.

But even so, when his wounds got at their worst, it was always Ovelia who he called upon to heal him.

Title: Quaffle

Characters: Delita Heiral, Bob, Galatea Godeye

Fandom: Final Fantasy Tactics / The Dresden Files / Claymore - Squarewarts Universe

Genre: Humor

Rating: G

It took Galatea a lot of willpower to turn down Delita's suggestion of making Bob their practice Quaffle during training.

Title: Baths

Characters: Delita Heiral, Ovelia (the cat), Sakura Haruno, Alma Beoulve

Genre: Humor

Rating: G

Bathing animals had always been considered a simple, but enjoyable task; as a boy, Delita had been the one who had bathed the various dogs, cats, and even horses on his farm, and it had been almost soothing. Comfortable.

But somehow, when Sakura and Alma had found him, it was he who was in the tub, soaked to the bone, while Ovelia was sitting proudly on his head, playing with a bit of sopping brown hair.

They were sworn to secrecy, though they still don't know how it came to that.

fandom stuff, rp stuff, fanfiction

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