Title:How It Could Have Been; ch 47, Disappointment
Summary:Inu no Taishou unveils his plan to Sesshoumaru.
Quote;We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power.
-William Ewart Gladstone
The flames cast an eerie red glow, their dying dance reflecting somewhat menacingly in the darkened gold eyes of the small pup who’d watched as they swiftly consumed the tiny body of his sister. Inuyasha was puzzled and perturbed, his family had all gathered for the funeral, but were giving off a mixed scent. There was sadness and a few tears from Izayoi, but then a lighter feeling took its place and the general atmosphere was sombre but also almost happy, which the little hanyou couldn’t understand. He didn’t know that the feeling he was picking up was in fact relief; relief that Hanako was at peace and had escaped an uncertain future.
All he knew was that he was using his youkai to strongly force his own eyes to keep dry; he would not shame the memory of Hanako if tears were out of place. It was getting easier to allow his youkai the power to control his emotions; he had been practicing on and off ever since Hanako had been born. Of course sometimes it didn’t work, but he was older now, nearly a whole year and he understood how to ask his youkai immediately for such control. Sometimes it even worked before he knew he would need the help, seeming to understand his feelings by instinct.
Inu no Taishou granted Inuyasha one further week with his mother before he would be brought back to the Palace in preparation for school again. He sternly reminded the pup that he would not tolerate disobedience this time, as he had when Inuyasha had refused to come back with him on the occasion of Hanako’s birth. Inuyasha however only nodded his head in affirmation; there were no words, just a serious pup with large golden eyes who stared at his father silently. The change in his son was obvious and Inu no Taishou was concerned as he went back to the Palace, his mind made up about a decision he had made.
When he reached his study, Inu no Taishou called for Sesshoumaru; the plan he had now to impart would not be pleasing to his eldest son. Business was first however, the weekly meetings with Sesshoumaru to consult with each other on various departments of the West and how his heir was getting on with his studies, were most important to both. It was a time for father and son to spend time together and for Sesshoumaru to learn how to delegate and assess; it was not an easy road to become Lord and the heir was still only an impressionable youth.
For Sesshoumaru the time was precious, he was treated as an adult by his father and allowed a cup of sake with him. He didn’t truly like the wine, but he drank it all the same as it was important to accept, as well as offer, hospitality. His reports were good, his department running smoothly and he had a small imp called Jaken to help him; in fact Jaken was most useful, he had been a general of his people until he left to follow his new master. Inu no Taishou kept his own counsel on Jaken; he would offend neither the servant nor his son by smirking over the details...at least not in front of them.
The officious little imp was convinced that the young Taiyoukai had saved his and his people’s lives and had sworn his undying devotion to the boy. Personally, Inu no Taishou thought that the imp had also been infatuated with Sesshoumaru’s beauty, and he would keep a surreptitious eye on things to make sure of Jaken’s motives. But so far there had been nothing to be concerned about, the imp was obsequious in the extreme, however he was good at his job and Inu no Taishou deemed he could stay. Today though the father required insight on his middle son and thought to discuss Inuyasha with his older boy.
"How was Inuyasha today; how did he cope with the funeral?" Inu no Taishou had not been present; Sesshoumaru had represented the West at the small gathering, besides supporting his younger brother.
"Very well Papa; you would have been proud of him. He made no fuss and behaved just as a youkai should do."
"There were no tears?"
"No, as I said...a proper youkai."
"You don’t think it strange that he didn’t cry when the pup died, or when I refused to help with Tenseiga, let alone at the funeral?"
"I didn’t really consider it overmuch, none of them seemed sad in the usual way of humans; there was relief...Perhaps Inuyasha too has finally realised that the child is better off dead than alive."
"I wouldn’t suggest that to him Sesshoumaru...his lack of grief worries me."
"Why, the pup is growing up and in my opinion for the better, if he is ridding himself of his all too human sensibilities."
"Growing up Sesshoumaru? Inuyasha is only seventeen and half human do not forget. I remember a little full youkai pup weeping in his mother’s arms for a hatchling dragon that was promised him, when the egg was crushed accidentally. You were barely fifty years old then, no one misunderstood your disappointment or grief; nor did they tell you to grow up. Inuyasha‘s loss is of a person close to him, do you not see his reactions are unexpected. He is dealing with his upset by turning it into anger using his youkai."
"I do not fully recall the incident you speak of Papa; but I see what you are saying of Inuyasha, is it that bad for him to strengthen his emotional being?" Sesshoumaru said stiffly. His father rolled his eyes at his eldest’s selective memory, but didn’t comment any further, his son’s blush was enough proof that he did remember.
"Your tears have never been disrespected My Sesshoumaru, and there have been more recent ones than those. It is not only humans who show their grief and it is not weakness if the occasion warrants it."
"Humans weep far too frequently even when they are adult...but it is not unusual in any child, even a youkai..." He petered off as he justified his own emotion by acknowledging he was still a pup against his wishes. Inu no Taishou smiled as his son tried to use and twist words to slide out of the pit he was digging himself. He was not however pleased that Sesshoumaru still harboured an air of superiority, sneering sometimes at Inuyasha’s humanity; it had made itself manifest at various times throughout the younger pup’s life and Inu no Taishou hoped it would be outgrown soon.
Sesshoumaru by nature was calm and controlled; hiding his passionate heart, too well sometimes. It made his father very glad that the boy now had siblings that made it impossible for him creep inside himself for too long. Inuyasha was especially good at getting beneath the cool exterior, their youkai bond giving him privileges that no one else had with his brother and his vulnerable human heart allowing him to love the serious Sesshoumaru no matter what. Inu no Taishou also knew that the older boy had a tendency to ignore the human blood in Inuyasha which was dangerous, and so he came to the main point.
"I need you to listen to me without interruption My Sesshoumaru; I have made a decision that I will not change, but I would like to use you for a sounding board."
"Why do you need me if your mind is already made up Papa?"
"It concerns you too and I will need your support and understanding."
"Well of course I shall listen, may I speak once you’ve had your say?"
"Certainly...I have never yet known you to be silent if you have an opinion to bestow in any case, My Son." Inu no Taishou said with a grin. Sesshoumaru relaxed; if his father could joke with him, the discussion could not be too much of a problem, and he was gratified to know that he was an integral part of the plan. Sesshoumaru needed to be considered important and indispensable to his father in the same way he needed his love, or to breathe. He settled down in the way his father knew was respectful silence and waited.
"You my beloved son, have more responsibility to carry than almost anyone else in the Western Lands. You still have much learning to do and yet you have duties to the West and your immediate family whilst learning about your own strengths. You will undoubtedly be stronger than me one day...it will be far in the future, but you combine both mine and your mother’s inheritances in wealth and physical strength. My other children are the same inasmuch as they too have the joint powers from your mother and me; even Michiko may one day rival me for strength, and this is something most parents hope for, strong, intelligent and kindly offspring.
"I have no concerns for the West under your rule with one exception, Inuyasha; he alone will never reach the same level of power as any of you. He does not have the potential from his mother’s side, although obviously from mine it is the same. This is where the problem lies, My Sesshoumaru; Inuyasha’s youkai strength far outweighs his human blood and however much you wish to ignore that, I cannot. I know that now he has nothing to fear from any of you, you all accept him as your brother and that will not change, but he will also always require your understanding of his humanity.
"This concerns me; and I wish for you especially to remember and not deride him for anything you may consider a weakness. I know you do not do so now, but when he is older and adolescent and far more irritating than he is at this time, it will be too easy to pick up on his differences. Others will do so and he will look to you most of all to protect him. I doubt he will see that he needs protection, but I trust you to know he will. I do not say this to hurt you or to make you feel I doubt your intentions ever; it is your lack of experience alone that I try to help here.
"Inuyasha will always remain a hanyou, he cannot ever be a full youkai; no amount of training will rid him of his mother’s blood and it should not be attempted. I want him to grow up proud of who and what he is, not always wishing to change and that is not going to be easy for him; he will need your help to accept himself. Do you think that you can do that, influence your siblings too to always treat Inuyasha as an equal to them even though he will almost certainly be beta to those younger than him?"
"How dare you suggest otherwise Father...you insult us all by your insinuations...how can you consider me as your heir if you think for one moment Inuyasha would not be safe under my care?" Sesshoumaru was most upset and hurt to his heart to feel his father didn’t trust him, but Inu no Taishou was not angered by his son’s reply, it was a joy for him to hear the boy give him no carefully considered answer, but an immediate horrified response. His reaction was to immediately go and kneel in front of Sesshoumaru so that his son could see his face clearly. Wrapping his tails around and extending his youki to offer comfort, he thereby reassured Sesshoumaru of his love and pride.
"Forgive me for testing you My Sesshoumaru and try to understand how important it was, because I must now tell you of a decision I have made that I only want a few to know; your mother and I, you and Totousai but certainly not Inuyasha."
"Yes Papa." Sesshoumaru was subdued, but that was all to the good; his father needed him to listen from his soul, not his intellect.
"Inuyasha is in grave danger; his sanity and his very life are threatened by his youkai. It is far stronger than his human element and as he grows it will come to realise its strength. He will become unbalanced and uncontrollable...unless he is well trained. To some extent this is the same as any youkai who need to learn control, but for him things are different; at least until his youkai is older and more able to be reasoned with. Like any youkai it will thrive on power and will war on Inuyasha’s humanity, causing him internal mental problems.
"He is already using his youkai, dangerously allowing it to control his emotions more and more, and because it is not yet overly aggressive he is not seeing the danger himself. Inuyasha is much too young to be relied on not to let go if he becomes angry or upset, therefore I have devised a plan to help him to become balanced and to stay rational as he grows up. I am going to use Tessaiga to act as a damper, sealing part of his youkai. Totousai has devised a way for the sword to control the flow of youkai to Inuyasha that will be safe for him." He paused, waiting for the inevitable angry response; Sesshoumaru had been coveting the sword, hoping it would come to him soon.
"No...Why would you give the pup a sword? He is far too small and I have been waiting...you said I was too young: well what about him, he is much younger than me, he will only do harm to himself and everyone. It’s not fair...you choose him for Tessaiga when you know I wanted it...why can’t you use another sword...what did I do wrong...what?"
"You have done nothing wrong My Son; I know you wanted Tessaiga and I do not do this to spite you I promise. But consider what I have already said; Inuyasha is disadvantaged in strength to the rest of you, do you really need a sword capable of such destruction, more than your brother? Do you not have other gifts of your youki that make you formidable already? Would you take away the only means of Inuyasha being on a par with you all? With the sword from my fang he will at least be able to keep up with you as Tessaiga has the gift of absorbing other attacks...this is something you do not need, even if you want it."
"It should be mine Papa not his...I am your heir, not the hanyou." He turned his back, unable to hide the moisture of disappointment in his eyes; he knew his father would not change his mind on the matter. Inu no Taishou sighed; he could scent his son’s distress and ignored the derogatory term because Sesshoumaru was only angry.
"I am saddened, but not surprised in your reply Sesshoumaru; but you were never going to be the heir of Tessaiga, it was made for Izayoi, to protect her and therefore it would have always been Inuyasha’s if eventually he had a human to protect. It is one of the least things I could do to give the boy some ways to defend himself and others in his care. Do I have your promise not to let this go any further, or do I now dismiss you and keep you from knowing the secret?" He asked firmly.
"I will always be loyal to you Papa...surely you know that by now."
"I do, I wanted you to know it too. Totousai has modified the sword and his friend, the oyster Housenki, has devised a portal in a pearl to its resting place. Inuyasha won’t have access to the sword as such, but its influence will be strong on him because the pearl portal will be placed in his eye. Whether or not he ever actually gains the sword will depend on the future. No other sword is appropriate; Tessaiga alone was built with humanity and youkai in mind and for a specific purpose, to protect both Izayoi and Inuyasha. Once I knew I was to be father to a hanyou, I had to think of a way to shield him from the uncontrollable use of his power. Do you understand now My Sesshoumaru?"
Sesshoumaru nodded; he couldn’t hide his disappointment, even though he understood his father’s reasoning. Sulkily he agreed that the plan was necessary and ingenious, and his father was once again grateful for his son’s sense of honour, that made him so dependable even in the face of his own letdown.
"You make me proud Sesshoumaru; no one could have a better son than you, nor the satisfaction and peace of knowing that you are my heir. Never doubt my love for you, My Son." He left Sesshoumaru then to go to his mate. She raised a questioning eyebrow at him and he nodded feeling exhausted, but nonetheless he related his conversations with Sesshoumaru to her.
"Sesshoumaru still doesn’t know that he will one day get his own sword, produced by his own youki to meet his own specific needs. He is too young to know that, I don’t want him trying to influence or develop things to mould it. He still craves power above all and doesn’t see that it will come naturally to him. He could do with continuing to develop some compassion though...how thankful I am that our strong son has siblings to care for now."
"You worry too much My Love; Sesshoumaru will become a fine man."
"I do not doubt that My Mate; he coped well with knowing Tessaiga will be out of his grasp and I trust him completely with the knowledge. Our eldest son is our greatest treasure out of all our treasures; the West will be safe with him as will our family."