r86? In My LJ?

Oct 25, 2011 21:21

LJ came out with a new release, which is why the little contextual menu that appears when you hover over a user name/userhead/userpic got bigger. The biggest complaint about the new release seems to be the menu change, since not only is it bigger, but you can no longer view profiles from it. If your style removes the userheads (Flexible Squares, does) and you want to view profiles from your friends page, you have to change your journal style or create your own. You can also add the page summary, but that starts to get unreadable if your friends put subject lines and get even worse if they have long subject lines. I've been trying to find someone who actually likes the new contextual menu, but haven't so far. Oh, wait, I found someone who likes how it looks, but thinks it's too busy. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. The vast majority hate it. I just don't like the removal of the profile link, since I used that. It's also a tad on the large side and I can see how people on low-resolution netbooks might have problems.
Based on the random complaints about the size of the font in the HTML editor, I'm guessing the line in question in the CSS file is font: 12px/16px Courier, monospace;. If people have a font named Courier installed, that gets used, otherwise the default monospace font is used. In Windows, Courier is a bitmap font, meaning it's intended for small sizes and looks pretty awful at big sizes...it was probably made when a monitor with 800x600 resolution was a sign of opulence. Firefox on Windows defaults to Courier New for monospace fonts, a TrueType or OpenType font, depending on the version of Windows. Some of the people complaining are on a cross section of popular browsers: IE, Firefox and Safari. I haven't seen any complaints specifically from Opera or Chrome users. Just to see, I opened the post entry page and it looks fine to me, even when I zoom in, but I usually use Semagic to type up my entries. The font appears to be antialiased, rather than, as people complaining describe it, "dot matrixy". Maybe my version of Firefox just doesn't like using bitmap fonts. It would probably look decent for everyone if they just changed the line to font: 12px/16px monospace; or reverted to the browser's default. They might benefit from changing it to a size in em instead of pixels. Most people would just like the same font for the HTML editor as the comment form. Since I didn't find any special CSS for the comment form, I'm assuming it would be whatever the default font is for a element. They may already be aware of this, but I'm just rambling. They haven't fixed the problem with http://invaderbuzzy.livejournal.com/252546.html">backing up entries and comments and some comments on the release page make it sound like it's getting worse. They still say http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html?thread=5378283#t5378283">it's being worked on. There was a bug where the friends list showed up with the default icons instead of the icon that should've shown up, but they fixed that one pretty fast after all the complaints rolled in. Another fun bug is if someone has disabled commenting, the "leave a comment" link will still show up, and clicking it will bring up a comment page, but after typing out a comment, you get an error because you didn't know the commenting was turned off in the first place. http://ljlogin.e-space.gweep.net/">LJlogin was http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html?thread=5389547#t5389547">broken by this release due to changes intended to slow spammers. There was a problem where people randomly had http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html?thread=5390827#t5390827">unfettered, http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html?thread=5409003#t5409003">but http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html?thread=5391083#t5391083">random http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html?thread=5389803#t5389803">access to parts of other people's LJs (kinda scary) including entries and inboxes. I haven't got this to appear, but if it isn't fixed yet, that is a showstopper right there. There are random reports of languages being changed to Chinese or Japanese. Whenever I expand comments that are collapsed because there's so damn many of them, it's like my style's CSS is completely ignored, so it's hard to tell who's replying to who.
It seems like half the userpics on the release entry are related to that My Little Pony show. http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html?thread=5456875#t5456875">One thread even turned into RPing as those characters. Geez, this entry got long.
EDIT 27 Oct 11 2:00 AM MDT or so: http://rushin-doll.net/lj-juggler/">LJ Juggler (Chrome) works, but LJLogin (Firefox) doesn't. Semagic doesn't work if you open the View History menu, but for some reason the Edit Last Entry item does. The bug where people get access to other people's accounts randomly is still going on. If you get logged out repeatedly, clear out all cookies and log back in. (It may or may not work) Still no official word on the http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/70891.html">release entry or the http://status.livejournal.com/">LJ status page. There was http://twitter.com/LiveJournal/statuses/128947537443950592?_escaped_fragment_=/LiveJournal/status/128947537443950592#!/LiveJournal/status/128947537443950592">a vague Tweet, but there's no indication of what problems they're aware of because of the character limit.
EDIT 27 Oct 11 9:30 PM MDT: They fixed the http://lj-maintenance.livejournal.com/131843.html">security problem. They said it only happened for three minutes, but people sure were talking about it happening for more than three minutes...
EDIT 28 Oct 11 5:00 AM MDT: http://ljlogin.e-space.gweep.net/">LJLogin still doesn't work. I'm guessing that whenever they come out with a version newer than 2.2.1, it'll work again. Semagic hasn't come out with a new version, so the View History area still doesn't work. That security problem is http://lj-maintenance.livejournal.com/131843.html?thread=13137923#t13137923">actually still going on. People who forgot their passwords to all their accounts because they were relying on LJLogin, a post was made on http://tiferet.dreamwidth.org/65532.html">tiferet on Dreamwidth about how to get those out.
EDIT 04 Nov 11 12:00 AM MDT: According to , http://lj-maintenance.livejournal.com/132218.html">they fixed the cookie problem and LJLogin should work and people shouldn't be logged out repeatedly. Even after that, Semagic doesn't work for me. Well, it works if you go into the Option screen, go to Advanced and uncheck the "Challenge/Response" box.


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