This is the first bit of fic I've had a chance to write since, well, forever.
It's a Buffy/OC crossover set at the end of Season 3. of both shows, I know that doesn't work out year-wise but I wanted the timelines to match up.
Thanks a bundle to IP for beta-ing it for me. Please feel free to let me know what you think.
What's really going on below )
Comments 15
This was very well-written, with each of the characters 'in character'. I didn't watch all of "Buffy", but I saw enough of it to appreciate the lovely job you did with each of the characters here. Your Ryan and Seth are well-drawn.
Ryan and Buffy? It could work -- it certainly does here. They each need someone strong, and prepared to deal with a lot of scars. Someone who doesn't scare easily, physically or psychologically.
Brilliant. Great use of language throughout. I hope you're not finished...
I'm really happy I did Ryan & Seth some justice as I was worried it was almost too heavy on the Buffy side (which I've generally written more of).
I just liked the idea of the pairing and the fact that they wouldn't really judge one another.
I hadn't thought too much about writing more of it but I'm now much encouraged.
You should post a pointer to this in the theoc_fiction community so more people know about it (that would probably be more appropriate than the theoc_recs community).
Thanks for the tip too, I think I managed to post it in several wrong places and then kinda gave up as I didn't want to be blowing my own trumpet all over the place.
Course I don't mind you friending me, might be a little bit before my lazy self churns out some more but what with all these lovely comments I should really get on with it.
I hadn't thought much of doing more but I may do now. I sortof write odd pieces that take my fancy or that I get requested to write by friends, had a Firefly one in mind but that's still on the shelf at present.
Someone else said that about the rhythym thing which is really nice, thanks again.
I know you let the muses do the talking, but if the voices dictate, I would love to see where this leads.
Again great job with the voice, pace and creating and nurturing a very engaging dynamic.
Warm and fuzzies all round - well pleased.
I really like your Ryan, and I'm hoping you will continue with this.
I'm quite the Ryan fan also, I'm glad I did him justice. Very glad you liked it.
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