Jun 07, 2011 11:23
dragon flies eat mosquitoes right? and with the bat population getting a big dent, is it a good idea to find a way to make sure a brood of dragonflies make it to adult hood more than normal? or is it a bad and impossible idea?
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Comments 5
You CAN control the mosquito population, though! Since mosquitoes love to lay their eggs in stagnant water, make sure any buckets, tires, kiddie pools, etc. -- things that tend to gather rainwater -- are dumped out to deter mosquitoes from laying their eggs.
I don't know how to get rid of puddles, but there are not as many right now, and you aren't allowed pools in the small community and It's wrong to tresspass in yards and scream at people who's boats have water in them.
The only other thing I'd worry about would be predation on other 'good' bugs like pollinators, but I think they don't tend to cross paths with bees and butterflies very much.
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