I friended you because not only will you be a fine addition to my stable of daily reads, but I would like a crack at the super hard music poll of which you speak.
(If it was on Japanese TV, it would be your 極度の光沢がある頭脳割れる音楽質問時間, which translates to "Super Shiny Brain-Cracking Music Question Hour".)
With this news I experienced the speed of information (or the speed of fad). At 12:30 (my time), Anna Nicole was found by the hotel staff. At just after 2pm, my friend Aaron received the call from our friend Melissa. By 3pm I had sent a text message to nearly EVERYONE in my phone and Aaron had blogged it, commented it, and dedicated his myspace temporarily to her memory. By 4pm we were picking out black armbands and recounting "moments of Anna Nicole". By 7pm, we had forgotten about it.
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(If it was on Japanese TV, it would be your 極度の光沢がある頭脳割れる音楽質問時間, which translates to "Super Shiny Brain-Cracking Music Question Hour".)
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