And that's that.

Oct 21, 2006 00:02

I just fell out of love with you.

I still love you, but...

Something changed.

You've got my number if you ever need anything.


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Comments 4

litchick87 October 21 2006, 16:21:00 UTC
i so wish i knew what's going on in your life right now. guess we'll have to catch up at thanksgiving over coffee and paradise kiss, ne?


watasefan October 21 2006, 20:47:04 UTC
what the hell did i just miss?!


braneded4110 October 23 2006, 03:31:38 UTC
what the hell did I miss?! i'm pretty sure I was at your house when you wrote this!


h0ldingdiam0nds October 27 2006, 17:24:28 UTC
I love you!


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