Player Information
Name: Ami
Age: 22
AIM SN: FluffyTemptress
Have you played in an LJ based game before?: Yep~
Currently Played Characters: None
Character Information
Canon Source: Supernatural
Canon Format: Television series
Character's Name: Castiel
Character's Age: The angel is an unknown age, probably billions of years old. The vessel is in his mid thirties or so.
What form will your character's NV take?: Castiel's used to cell phones, but as he'll prefer video posts to voice ones his NV will take the form of what's basically an iphone, instead of his usual Nokia.
Character's Canon Abilities: The SPN wiki has a
list and overview of angel abilities, but as Castiel is mortal/semi-mortal at his canon point he doesn't have access to any of them.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them?: Well, he's a bit of a strange case at the moment, because while he normally has an array of abilities, none of them are functional right now and he has no access to them. If possible, as they are his natural abilities, they could be 'dormant' with the eventual chance to regain them. If not, then I would choose to give him back his telekinesis, which is detailed at the link above. However, he may not realize he has it for some time, considering the others are all gone. Also not sure if he'd have to train it up or anything, since he already has used it before?
Weapons: Castiel carries an angel killing sword, which is a silvery metal and the size of a short sword. It's tri-bladed and seems to be a stabbing weapon, primarily. It's effective against angels and other supernatural creatures (such as hellhounds) though it is presumably nonfatal to an archangel (as they carry different swords.) For more info and some images, there's an
entry at the SPN wiki. Castiel carries his sword hidden in his coat, and he also keeps a completely mundane boxcutter in one of his coat's pockets.
Character History: Castiel enters in the first episode of season four, as the angel who pulls Dean's soul out of Hell. It's revealed that a large number of angels laid siege to Hell (the group was possibly the angel garrison Castiel was part of, but that's never been confirmed) and that it was very difficult to reach Dean, but Castiel was the first to do so. His handprint is burned into Dean's shoulder from the event.
As angels need human vessels to walk on Earth, Castiel takes the vessel of a man named Jimmy Novak from Illinois, and goes to meet with Dean after he is summoned by the hunter. Throughout the first few episodes he appears in, he provides little help or information aside from the most basic: demons, lead by the first demon Lilith, are trying to raise Lucifer by breaking 66 of the 666 seals that hold the fallen angel in his prison. Dean and Sam are tasked with stopping individual seals as they have opportunity, as the angels take point on other seals scattered about. Castiel checks in on Dean and Sam often, though he's away most of the time guarding other seals.
Eventually, there is opportunity for Castiel and Sam to meet face to face. Sam is thrilled to meet an angel, Castiel is a bit awkward and not all that tactful in regards to Sam being tainted by demon blood, but the two do shake hands and then move on to the issue that had brought the angels to the town in the first place. It's revealed that a seal is about to be broken there, and the angels have decided it is necessary to level the entire town to protect the seal and they warn the Winchesters to leave, but Dean refuses to allow the innocent people in the town to be wiped out. Castiel and the specialist brought in for this task, Uriel, eventually acquiesce and allow Dean and Sam to try their hand at protecting the seal. The brothers fail, but Dean and Castiel have a chance for a private conversation, where Castiel reveals that his and Uriel's orders had not been to destroy the town, but to defer to Dean's decision, whatever it might be. In addition, Castiel explains that he agreed with Dean's choice, and admits under an agreement of secrecy that he is beginning to doubt the orders he is being given, something with is rare and dangerous for an angel to do.
When the fallen angel Anna is found living as a human (with even her unaware of what she is at first), Castiel and Uriel are sent to kill her. Turns out she was once their commander, who chose to Fall and become human because angels aren't allowed to question, doubt, feel, or do anything that might lead to disobedience. She regains her grace, which is what gives an angel their power and makes them an angel, and flees.
Angels begin to die mysteriously, the only connection between them being that they were all members of the garrison Castiel, Uriel, and formerly Anna, belong to. The powerful and high-ranking demon Alastair is blamed for the murders, and the angels order that Dean be brought in to extract a confession and an explanation from Alastair, using the skills that Dean learned in Hell. He is reluctant, and so is Castiel, but it's revealed that Castiel has been demoted and Uriel put in charge, due to concern that Castiel's attachment to the Winchesters is clouding his judgment. While Castiel waits alone outside the room as Dean works, Anna appears and begins trying to encourage the other angel to think for himself, and to question the orders he's being given. He rebukes her attempts and declares he is nothing like her, a fallen angel, and that he would do as he was asked. Alastair escapes and nearly kills Dean before Castiel intervenes, but he is overpowered and Sam arrives in time to rescue him and destroy Alastair, but not before learning that the demons were not responsible for the deaths of the angels.
Castiel puts two and two together and realizes an angel is the one killing the other angels, and confronts Uriel, who is revealed to be attempting to release Lucifer. Uriel tries to convince his brother to join him, but Castiel refuses, unwilling to go against God by supporting the freeing of Lucifer. After a battle, Anna kills Uriel to protect Castiel, but the angel is left with even more uncertainty and doubt about his orders and who they're actually coming from, and why.
He continues to assist the brothers, edging closer and closer to the line of what is considered acceptable for an angel to do, including surreptitiously telling Dean how to get around a divine prophecy. Eventually, he appears to Dean in a dream and asks to meet with him, needing to tell him something but seemingly concerned he's being watched. By the time the brothers get to the location to meet up, there is evidence an enormous battle went down and they find only the human vessel Jimmy Novak, who tells them he is no longer hosting Castiel. Anna appears later on to speak with the boys and tells Castiel's been forcibly taken back to Heaven, something she describes as 'painfully, awfully bad' and states that 'he must have seriously pissed someone off'.
When Castiel returns at the end of that episode, he is cold and impassive again, refusing to tell Dean whatever it was he'd wanted to reveal before. For the next few episodes, he is completely unhelpful, going along with whatever his current superior, Zachariah, decides on. He releases the detoxing Sam from the panic room and allows Anna to be captured by the other angels, and asks Dean to swear allegiance to God and the angels, which he does. While later holding Dean in a fanciful room to keep him 'safe', Zachariah reveals that the angels in command had never intended to stop the breaking of the seals, and in fact they were going to allow Sam to kill Lilith, which would break the 66th and release Lucifer. This is apparently what Castiel had learned of and wished to reveal to Dean.
Dean is desperate to stop his brother and tries to convince Castiel to let him go, telling him that there's a right and a wrong and Castiel knows that this is wrong no matter what his orders were, but Castiel responds that if he rebels and helps them, all three of them would be hunted down and killed. Dean tells him that it's worth it, but Castiel can't bring himself to rebel yet and though Castiel initially refuses and disappears, he returns a short time later to banish Zachariah and release Dean, sending him after Sam as Castiel stays back to hold off the other angels.
Sam and Dean fail to stop the breaking of the seal, and Lucifer is released. They go to find Castiel, to learn that he has been killed by the archangel Raphael. Zachariah shows up and through the episode Dean learns that is the destined vessel of the archangel Michael, but like any other angel Michael needs consent to use him as a vessel, which he intends to do so that he can destroy Lucifer and bring upon paradise. Dean, however, refuses to give Michael consent, and Zachariah begins torturing him and Sam to attempt to get him to comply. Castiel suddenly reappears, dispatches Zach's lackeys, and convinces the other angel to retreat. It's unknown who resurrected Castiel, but there are very few with the power to do so and Castiel believes it was God himself, who has been absent from Heaven for a long time. However, Castiel is now a fallen angel, cut off from Heaven and it's power; he immediately loses the ability to heal.
Castiel decides to search for God, to help them in the battle against Lucifer. He comes and goes for the next span of episodes, busy with his search; he does spend a full day with Dean however, as they trap Raphael and ask him about God's whereabouts. The archangel tells them that God is dead, and that Castiel was probably raised by Lucifer instead, because Lucifer needs rebellious angels for his army.
As Dean and Sam confront an old enemy, a demi-god known as The Trickster, they get trapped in a strange set of alternate realities. Castiel goes looking for them and ends up in the mess as well; together, the three piece out that The Trickster is actually no such thing. It's revealed that he is instead the archangel Gabriel, who wouldn't stand his brothers' fighting and fled to Earth. The trio and Gabriel part ways.
The Winchester brothers, with the help of fellow hunters Jo and Ellen Harvelle, acquire the powerful magical gun known as The Colt, and plan a mission to attempt to kill Lucifer. Castiel is briefly captured by Lucifer in the process, and they have a bit of a strange discussion, as Lucifer gently and charmingly tries to win over his brother to his side. He points out, correctly, that as Castiel is now a fallen angel, it would be in his best interests to help Lucifer; if Lucifer is defeated, Castiel suddenly takes his place as Heaven's most wanted. Castiel, however, refuses as he is unwilling to allow Lucifer access to Sam, who is Lucifer's true vessel. Castiel manages to escape and rescues the brothers when they face and fail to kill the devil.
In between his search for God, Castiel continues to assist the boys. He nearly kills himself taking them back in time to stop Anna, who is intent on destroying Dean and Sam's mother so that the boys are never born, thereby averting the apocalypse. He also assists, ultimately unhelpfully, in the battle with the Horseman Famine.
A short time later, Dean and Sam are killed by other hunters and go to Heaven, and as Zachariah and the other angels will resurrect them as soon as possible Castiel suggests the two use the opportunity they have to find an angel named Joshua. Joshua is rumored to speak with God, and when the Winchesters do find him, he confirms it was God who brought Castiel back to life but that beyond that, God wasn't interfering as He believes the apocalypse is 'not His problem'. The boys return to Earth and deliver the news to Castiel, who is devastated and completely loses his faith.
Next time Sam and Dean see him, he's drank an entire liquor store and, despite his angelic constitution, managed to get completely smashed drunk. He helps them fight the Whore of Babylon, but is seriously injured in the process. Dean decides to accept the deal with Michael and leaves, and Sam and Castiel give chase, eventually catching up to him before he says yes. At this point, however, Castiel's faith in Dean is also damaged, and he goes through with a suicidal plan to dispatch five angels to give Dean and Sam time to rescue their brother Adam, who is apparently a back-up vessel for the Michael. The brothers fail and Adam is taken.
With Castiel gone, the brothers receive help from Gabriel, but the archangel is killed in a confrontation with Lucifer. In a very strange video 'will', Gabriel explains to the brothers that if they get all four rings of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, they can open Lucifer's cage and toss him in, which is a better plan than trying to kill him. The Winchesters already have the rings of Famine and War, and as they prepare to go after Pestilence they receive as call from a hospital: Castiel is alive, but mortal. He arrives just in time to save the brothers from Pestilence, and they get the third ring.
Point in Canon: Having just won the fight against Pestilence, Dean, Sam, and Castiel return to Bobby Singer's house with the Horseman's ring and are taking a short break there while discussing what to do next.
Character Personality: Castiel is quiet and reserved, and extremely intense. He rarely acts without thinking through the consequences, and is very analytical and logical in decision making. He has difficulty connecting on an individual level and tends to focus on simple logistics instead of any sort of emotional reaction, and though he can and does make some decisions (like his choice to rebel) based partly on emotion, it's never without logic behind it as well. He is very grand picture oriented, looking at the larger view at the expense of the smaller, willing to make sacrifices of some for the good of many even if he would rather make no sacrifices at all if it were an option. He can be completely ruthless if the situation calls for it, as with the Apocalypse at hand if they fail, he feels the ends justify the means.
Angels are discouraged, and at times punished, for showing too much emotion and so Castiel is for the most part very cold and stoic, at least outwardly. A different side emerges around those he cares for, particularly Dean, and it's clear that he does feel very deeply even when he doesn't show it. Extremely new to emotion, he doesn't always recognize what he's feeling and even less what others are, leading to confusion and sometimes frustration when interacting on a human level or reading another's reactions is difficult. He has little to no coping mechanisms with more destructive emotions, and anger, sadness, and fear are often mixed into one mess that he has no idea how to deal with. He can and does act drastically or self-destructively because of them, from drinking an entire liquor store to planning and going on what is essentially a suicide mission. Later on in the series, he figuratively and somewhat literally destroys himself while acting out of desperation.
He's intensely loyal, and when he throws his allegiance behind a person or cause he'll stick with it to the very end because he only invests himself when he deeply believes that it's the right thing to do. He will face down anything and everything to fight for who and what he cares about, even when it means certain death. Because he becomes so deeply devoted, any sort of betrayal is devastating to him, and he's been betrayed and stabbed in the back over and over again and his entire world view turned upside-down multiple times in short order. For these reasons, he's distrusting and cautious with most beings, very slow to accept that someone may not be a threat and even slower to open up to them.
For a long time, Castiel almost exclusively dealt only with other angels, his family. After rescuing Dean's soul from Hell, his relationships with his siblings started to become tumultuous while the seals began to fall. His brother Uriel was revealed to have been working to release Lucifer and killing any angels that refused to join him, and it was the first of many major betrayals. Discovering he'd been lied to and that the angels were actually attempting to bring about the Apocalypse instead of preventing it was the next strike, then being dragged by to Heaven for reprogramming came directly afterward that. Later on even his sister Anna, who had been the first to encourage him to think for himself and make his own decisions, became a threat and an enemy.
Finally, he has completely broken ties with his family by rebelling, and now has a death sentence on his head. Every time he encounters a sibling it's a fight for his life, and though it hurts and he mourns the loss of each of his brothers and sisters, he's quickly grown accustomed to having to kill them to protect himself or his friends. He seems to have few remaining personal connections to any other angels, though when he becomes aware of the existence of a boy named Jesse, who happened to be a powerful creature known as a cambion (a half-demon), Castiel attempts to kill him out of concern that Jesse would wipe out the Host if swayed to Lucifer's side.
In place of his angelic family, Castiel has grown very close to the Winchester brothers, and is beginning to bond with the boys' surrogate father Bobby. There's a deep connection between Castiel and Dean in particular, and Dean's well being and desires take priority to Castiel on all fronts. Castiel has a great admiration for Dean's concern and compassion for other beings, even if he doesn't always understand it, and it's in part Dean's insistence that all people are worth saving that prompts Castiel into deciding the Apocalypse had to be stopped. More than caring about individuals himself, however, Castiel cares that Dean cares. Dean is his focal point, over and over in almost every thing and every way.
That said, Castiel also cares a great deal about Sam, facing off with Anna and then Lucifer to protect him. Even when presented with an idea that would cost Sam's life but possibly avert the Apocalypse entirely, Castiel refuses, simply because Sam is his friend.
Castiel usually says as little as possible, being direct and to the point, without bothering to elaborate on anything (and what he considers 'elaborating' is most peoples' 'basic necessary information'.) Dragging information out of him is like pulling teeth, and that's when he actually likes you. He has a habit of simply disappearing when he's done talking about a subject, with no warning at all. Similarly, he likes to arrive without warning, usually well within personal space boundaries.
He is determined, focused, and exceptionally clever; sneaky and creative, he's talented at coming up with unusual solutions or plans for even the most difficult situation. He understands why and how things work and that helps him in figuring out how to get around or use a situation to his advantage. He breaks out of a ring of holy fire by a combination of telekinesis and throwing the demon Meg onto the flames as makeshift bridge, he banishes multiple angels inside their own base of operations by drawing a banishing sigil into his own chest with a boxcutter, and later in his future makes a molotov cocktail out of holy oil in order to distract the archangel Michael. He also manages a few more mundane but no less impressive feats for an angel, such as figuring out a cell phone in seemingly no time with no experience.
He's curious and interested in anything and everything, and he's jokingly referred to as 'the nerd angel' by Dean. He's has a wide array of knowledge, like any angel, but seems particularly talented with sigils and rituals, apparently having one for just about everything. Despite his, for the most part, lack of subtlety, he's very attuned to the specifics and meanings of words. He understands and carefully uses wording and semantics, choosing exactly what to say and why to say it that way. However, if not given enough time or when speaking out of stress or other emotions, he stumbles over words or cuts off sentences in the middle. He is a horrible liar as his tone of voice, posture, and expression all give him away immediately when he tries. He does have some success if he doesn't look at whoever he's lying to, but that in itself is a dead giveaway. Similarly, if he feels guilty or conflicted on a topic, he won't make eye contact.
Castiel was, for most of his existence, deeply devoted to doing what his Father, God, would want done. He believed his Father loved and cared for the angels, the humans, the planet, and that He wanted what was best for them. For a long time, Castiel followed what he thought to be His orders, until it was revealed that God hadn't been making decisions for ages now, and it was instead ultimately Michael sending orders down the ranks. After rebelling, Castiel searched for God and, when the Winchester boys met the angel Joshua and learned God didn't believe any of the mess was His problem, it completely destroyed Castiel's faith. He feels abandoned and heartbroken over what seems like a very cold betrayal of everything he's ever believed in, shocked that God seems to simply not care that His children are fighting and dying because of the supposedly fated Apocalypse.
When Dean decides to give up and say yes to Michael, despite everything they had been fighting for, it's another heavy blow and Castiel basically gives up as well. However, when he implements a suicide mission doesn't actually result in suicide but rather a loss of his powers, he discovers Dean has changed his mind and begun to fight again. Castiel's faith is restored, even if it's now completely in Dean instead of God. He is, however, still somewhat depressed and not at all optimistic about their chances, as well as very unsure of himself and his use without his angelic abilities. He's terribly out of place and isn't sure where he belongs; he's not even entirely certain what he is at the moment, caught somewhere between angel and human.
Character Plans: After settling in and adjusting a bit to being mortal, Castiel won't at all accept being stuck in Siren's Port and will begin to look into ways out, including investigating both the AfterGlow and SERO factions. However, he'll likely be unsatisfied with either option and may end up remaining neutral, or possibly joining a rebel faction, depending on how impressed he is by any that have been formed.
That said, his own actions and choices will be heavily influenced by those of the people he cares for already present in the Port, particularly Sam.
Picture! Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[Castiel may not be the most adept creature ever at electronics or technology, but he's a quick learner and quite familiar with a phone. Therefore, his NV poses a challenge, but only briefly; he soon discovers a broadcast function on the iphone-like device, though he seems to have been going for voice instead of video as he doesn't seem to realize it's recording images.
Not that video ultimately matters, as the masses are treated to a fantastic video of pretty much nothing, since it's ridiculously dark wherever he is. The light of the NV's screen is casting a glow that makes it possible to just make out a nondescript concrete wall, however, and his voice is clear and steady.]
Whoever can hear me, I am... Lost. I'm not certain how I got here.
[He's well aware of how vulnerable he is at the moment, and is unsure of how much information to reveal in order to get what he needs in return. If he attracts the wrong attention, especially considering how he arrived, he would likely never get the chance to find his way back to the Winchesters.]
Anything that one could tell me about where we are would be appreciated.
[He's not usually so polite, but he's not about to antagonize anyone right off the bat if he can avoid it and needs the help, so he has very little choice. He's also not about to trust anything at face value, but any information, even false, is better than none. Hopefully he'll get something he can use without having to say too much more.]
Third Person Sample
Ground hurt. Ground hurt a lot. It hurt even more when you'd just gotten out of the hospital, and more still when you were used to ground not hurting at all. He wasn't entirely sure how he'd ended up in the grass in the first place, considering last he'd known he'd been inside, but ultimately he wasn't all that surprised to suddenly find himself somewhere he had no intention of being. Despite the lack of real surprise, however, he was immediately on high alert; as far as he knew, only another angel was a plausible explanation for finding himself suddenly whisked away somewhere so unpleasantly, and another angel meant immediate danger.
Pushing himself painfully upright out of the grass, Castiel rose to his feet and cast a glance around. The field was dark, incredibly so, and unkempt. There were some sort of lines marked in a diamond pattern, and flat areas at each corner with a raised mound placed off center in the middle; he wasn't sure, but he thought he'd seen the pattern before, used for some sort of human sport. Not that he had any idea what sport it was, and not that he cared. He was far more concerned with where he was, why, and how he'd gotten here.
He realized with a vague sense of unease that it was dark, when it had been daytime last he knew, and wondered how much time had passed or even if he was possibly in another timezone where the sun had set or not yet risen. But, as he turned his eyes upward at the sky to get a sense of the constellations, he noticed with an unpleasant shock that they simply weren't there. Any of them. No stars, not even unfamiliar ones, and only a faint moon. Despite the loss of his angelic senses, he could still feel there was something very wrong.
Turning toward the diamond, a lighted building stood out amongst all the dark, off to the right. And then farther, ahead, another light. To the left was dark, and so he disregarded it, mentally a bit frustrated by the limitation of being able to see only with his human body's eyes. If he weren't powerless...
But he couldn't dwell on that right now. He began toward the lit building on the right, steps a bit uneven as he was far dizzier than he'd initially realized, made more difficult by the uneven ground. Everything hurt but that was pretty par for the course since he'd woken up in the hospital (that morning? the day before?) and though he idly wished he still had some of the painkillers he'd been given, he could just ignore it for now. The situation at hand was a little more important than some pain. He needed to figure out where he was, now, and get back home. They had a horseman to find, a ring to acquire, and an Apocalypse to avert; even if he was semi-useless in his current state, he wasn't about to leave Dean, Sam, and Bobby to this fight alone.