00: Application

Jul 09, 2009 02:37


Name: CC
Livejournal Username: sashide
E-mail: YawgysSnicket@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: AIM: Kini Mao, MSN: Upon request.
Current Characters at Luceti: N/A


Name: Naoya
Fandom: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (?)
Time Period: Day 6, before the final path of the game.
Wing Color: Grey
History: http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Naoya
His Wikipedia is rather lacking though, so I’ll give a brief overview.
Naoya was the mastermind behind the COMPS and the Devil Summoning Program-without his technical knowledge, there was no possibly way for the Shomonkai to summon demons aside from the traditional method, which was too trying and costly. Using the knowledge that demons feed off of human emotions, he contrived a way to use the plethora of emotions on the internet. That, together with a specific melody sung by a girl named Aya enabled him to develop a COMP interface which made it possible for anyone to summon a demon. After completing the interface and setting up the server he left the company of the Shomonkai, declining their offer to join their cause.
He is later responsible for giving the protagonist and his party their COMPS, although he mostly talks in emails with them, disappearing into the crowd when the party spots him. This irritates the party greatly, as it seems he knew about the incoming Demon Invasion all along, but failed to tell them. On the sixth day however, he offers to answer a few questions if you can beat his challenge (Defeat 6 demons in 3 turns). After clearing his challenge he tells you where the server is located, how the demon summoning program came about, and asks you a question of his own: How are you going to stop the lockdown? No matter what you answer he tells you that the best path would be to become the King of Bel (King of Demons), which would in turn make you a rebel against God.
In truth, Naoya is Cain from the Biblical Story. This explains his apparent obsession with revenge against God, and why he aided in developing the Demon Summoning Program, all so that his ‘cousin’ could claim the title of Demon King, and lead a war against God. Furthermore, the protagonist is Abel (so the main character is his brother, not cousin). Naoya is simply a reincarnation of Cain (some sources cite that Cain was doomed to wander forever, immortally), who is cursed by God to remember all that's happened in his past lives, all the way back to when he first stabbed Abel, thousands of years ago. God supposedly doomed him to this so he would one day learn to repent, but instead he's chosen to live all his lives and ones to come for revenge.

When asked why he murdered Abel he answers (paraphrased): That God's request was unfair, God wanted blood and he couldn't offer it to him, being a farmer (Able offered him the blood of his best cattle). Even thought it was impossible for him to fulfill God's request, God chastised him for it anyway, and that's when he killed Abel, to offer his blood.
For more information on Cain and Abel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_abel

Personality: Everything to Naoya must be logistical, and perfect(teetering into the realm of obsession at points). To this end he usually comes off as calm, cool, and collected. His apparent disregard for other people’s feelings or how things will affect them doesn’t help matters. In fact, he seems to take delight in revealing key elements at the very last moment. He’s quite arrogant, quite confident in his abilities, beliefs, and morals.
Naoya is also an ‘enabler’, steering people down so-called ‘darker’ paths, and generally causing chaos whenever he deems fit. Whether this is because he finds such things amusing, or whether it’s a part of his revenge against God isn’t known-it’s probably a mixture of each. That being said, Naoya isn’t ‘evil’. He doesn’t wish for world domination, and he doesn’t desire to murder thousands of people (though if that were to occur as a result of his goal, he wouldn’t bat an eye.) All he wants is revenge against God. An unjust God, who’s wrath isn’t divine, it’s personal. A God who you must follow, or be eradicated-a God who tricks people into having free will, which is only his will. He strongly believes that the human race should take care of itself, and cast aside the selfish, faulted, God. God rejected him, and thus he rejects God. For someone who enjoys leading people to things and tempting them, he oddly finds those who stand for themselves (if it doesn’t interfere with his wishes), enjoyable. It should be noted that he does take delight in leading the confused sheep as well, but someone with more brain is always more amusing.
And of course, there’s his hidden aggression, insanity and violence underneath. Only one thing can seemingly set him off, God and those who follow him (Those who follow beliefs with no rational backing). In that case, all his inner calm vanishes and it’s possible to see him for who he truly is: The man who committed the first murder. Additionally, if anyone were to use him, it’s highly likely that he would hold just as strong as a vendetta against them, as he does of God. Naoya doesn’t hold anyone’s opinion in high regard, barring one another person, Abel. Having been cast aside by God, Abel’s acceptance is important to him. But in Naoya’s mind, he will always have Abel’s loyalty. There isn’t a though in his mind that Abel would go against him, ultimately.
For someone who’s lived year after year (millennia really), Naoya does have his quirks. He has a certain fondness for plants and farming, dating back to his life as the first farmer. Also, despite the fact that most people would find him strange upon meeting, he does know how to behave socially -if he feels like it. His strangest quirk however, is when he decides to show an inkling of caring. Most notably, this is reserved almost exclusively for his brother. Having lived with him for most of his (current) life, Naoya did do brotherly things-such as care for him when he was sick, play video games with him (far be it from Naoya to go easy on him though), and so on. Whether this was actual caring, and not just an act to win his brother’s trust, is up for debate, however. This is also seen in a far less significant degree in his relationship with Atsuro, his apprentice.

Physical: Adept at Magic (Though he needs a COMP to use it, so this is null)
Mental: Expert programmer & hacker, intelligent, a perfectionist, cunning, skilled at negotiations & coercion, knowledge of the occult and demons.
Emotional: Calm & Reserved.

Physical: Minimal to no physical fighting ability.
Mental : Perfectionist, Arrogant.
Emotional : Lack of empathy, prone to seemingly random acts of violence and aggression, dependent on Abel's attention, obsessed with his personal revenge against God.

First Person: 1. How much do you value power? What would you do to possess it?

Power is a means to an end, therefore it has a rather high value. However, it would not be necessary to posses power for myself, rather it would be satisfactory to achieve the end goal through whatever means or persons.

2. If you could change anything about the world, what would it be and why?

To show humanity God's true face. His self-imposed freedom is nothing more than a shackle, and he is nothing more than an oppressor.

Why? That doesn't really matter now, does it?

3. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?
None at all.

4. If you could be reborn as someone else, who would you be? Why?
What an irksome question.
Abel. He's the chosen one.

5. What goals do you want to accomplish in your life?
Hmm...I really don't see the point in answering such a question. However if it must be answered: I only wish to grant humanity freedom from the tyrant God, nothing more.

Third Person: The feeling of the wind against his skin was surprisingly cool. It shouldn’t have been so cool. The power was out in Tokyo, and thus there was no air conditioning; if anything the oncoming merger of Tokyo with the Demon World had made things warmer.
Something was amiss.
He opened his eyes, red pupils contracting, lips turning downward into a scowl. He saw nothing but trees and foliage. Him. He did this. That arrogant, selfish…his hand balled into a fist, crushing some of the leaves that were scattered about the forest floor.
It was no different than all the other times. He had cursed him to wander the world forever, that was his loving lesson. Was He truly so conceited as to think that removing him would solve the problem? Either way, Abel would become King of Bel. And humanity would reject God, would be free from his tyranny, and the ancient war between angels and demons would begin anew. His scowl turned into a grin.
But for now, he would have to deal with the present. Gathering himself up, he realized that he was dressed only in loose-fitting, white pants. His eyes grew wide as he made a discovery-wings. Grey wings. He had wings. Was He trying to make an attempt at a joke now? Or was it His hope that he would repent and behave like a good son, now that he slightly resembled one of his beloved angels? Ludicrous.
Walking for a bit, he came across an odd looking bush; underneath it were his yukata, sandals, and glasses. How pleasant. He would curse him to walk the lands forever, yet he would see fit to make sure he was clothed. How very kind of him.
Naoya was determined that he would be a wanderer not much longer. Abel. He needed to contact Abel. He set off towards what was hopefully civilization.

.ooc, .application

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