Awww how much do you want Oz?!?! I'm watching Buffy & he is so awesome...
YAY free time to myself So I'm veggin...watching buffy, putting on a face mask, reading some on the many books I've started & relaxing. I'm so on the net trying to find the stripy green converse all stars I want
All this freedom has made me kina tired so I think I'll have a
Can someone tell me the episode where it's buffy's birthday & her dad can't make it & he sent her tickets to the icecapades & she asks Giles to take her
In each of your fandoms... 1. Who would you have a one-night stand with? 2. Who would you marry? 3. Who would you party with? 4. Who would be your Best Friend Forever?
what is it about me that attracts boys with mental problems? and no it's not me making them that way! They were broken when I got them...honest they was
Have to decide, should I stay or should I go... that's going to be pretty tough...