(no subject)

Jun 14, 2005 08:08

So, I have my audition for Rendezvous at 10:45 this morning. Jon's picking me up in about an hour since he has a final at 11...so yeah...wish me luck!

Have you ever.....
* Flown on a plane: Yes
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Can't say I have...
* Missed school because it was raining: No
* Told a girl/boy that you liked them: Yes, but usually after they've gone first...^^;
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: No...
* Dated someone older than you: Yeppers.
* Dated someone younger than you: Nope
* Had a crush on a friends girl/boyfriend: Yes...
* Been hurt emotionally: Is there anyone who hasn't?
* Kept a secret from everyone: I don't know...and if I did, why would I say that I am...that would make people want to know whay my secret was...^^;
* Had an imaginary friend: I honestly don't remember, I don't think I did...
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Of course I did, hello...I'm an anime fangirl!
* Been on stage: Me?...on stage? Of course!
* Cut your own hair: I think so, when I was really little...
* Had crush on a teacher? Not really a crush, just thought he was attractive.
* Sworn your love? Er...no...I don't think so.
* Felt so good you could die? You mean the whole I could die happy thing? Nah...normally, when you feel really good...you wanna live...yanno. ^^;
* Believed you were going insane? Clinically insane, no....but crazy/weird/insane...I'm already there..^^;
* Been dumped? Yes


* Shampoo: Er...I don't really care as long as it gets the job done. Currently I'm using Suave Tropical Coconut...it smells really good. ^^
* Favorite color(s): I like most colours...but I really like blue and yellow
* Day/Night: Both...Day = hanging out with friends. Night = Sleeping...
* Summer/Winter: Autumn...^^;
* Cartoon Character: I dunno...Bugs Bunny?
* Favorite Food: Pretty much anything my grandma makes, pasta, homemade bread, chocolate, cheesecake, pies, I really just like food..lol
* Favorite Advertisement: I dunno...^^;
* Favorite Drink: Orange Juice, water, kool aid, Jones Soda, Crystal Light, Capri Suns
* Person to talk to online: I dunno...people who I don't get to see very often...
* Favorite Sport: to watch = baseball. to do = Volleyball
* Favorite Car: One that works...

-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

* Wearing: blue and white checkered pajama pants, light green spaghetti strap, white fleece pullover
* Eating: frosted mini wheats
* Drinking: There's milk in my cereal...?
* Thinking about: my audition today...
* Listening to: The piano music for my audition piece...

---------------IN THE LAST 48 HRS------------------

* Cried: Nope
* Worn Jeans: Yessir
* Done Laundry: Yep
* Driven a car: Nope
* Talked on the phone: Er...I dunn-Yes..I have.
* Kissed Someone: Nope... :(
* Committed a crime: That would be a no
* Got caught committing a crime: Nope
* "Sinned": Probably...but nothing major
* Hacked: Nope
* Told someone to kiss your ass: No
* Did they? No
* Said "I love you": Yeah, to my daddy when he left for work
* Meant it? Yeah

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------

* Yourself: Most of the time
* Your friends: Yes
* Santa Claus: Not anymore
* Tooth Fairy: Not anymore
* Destiny/Fate: Not so much
* Angels: Yes
* Ghost: No
* UFO's: Not so much
* God: Yes!

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* Do you ever wish you had another name? No...I like my name
* Do you like anyone? Mhm!
* Which of your friends acts the most like you? I dunno...maybe Robin since we're twins...
* Which of your friends could you tell anything to? Amanda
* Which of your friends have you known the longest? Alaina...since 3rd grade...

------------FINISH EACH SENTENCE-------------

* Let's walk on the: beach.
* Let's run through: the sprinkler.
* What a nice: party.
* Let's look at the: stars.
* Where did all those: cookies go?
* When will they: learn?
* Why can't you: behave?
* Silly, little: Michi...
* Show me: the meaning of being lonely...
* The sky is: blue...
* Tell me: what I want to hear.
* Hide me: away from the world.
* Love me: that's all I ask of you

1. What is your full name? Michelle Dawn Barrett
2. How many siblings do you have? two younger sisters
3. What color is your hair? brownish
4. What color are your eyes? light blue
5. How tall are you? 5'3 1/2"
6. Do you like taking showers or baths? Showers
7. Do you have braces? Not anymore! :D
8. Do you have freckles? Yes, a few.
9. What do you think of yourself? I think I'm fabulous! :D
10. What kind of clothes do you wear? I love to dress up, but I'm usually to lazy to do so. I wear a lot of stuff from Gap Outlet since that's where I work. I usually just wear jeans and a t-shirt with a zip-up or pull-over hoodie...
11. Do you overanalyze a lot? Not so much as I used to...
12. Do you do good in school? Meh...I do okay..
13. Are you close to most of your friends? Some of them.
14. How many maths have you taken? I dropped pre-calc...but I've taken all the stuff before it!
15. Do you work? Yes...
16. What kind of car do you want? One that works...
17. Do you have a bf/gf? Yes! :D
18. What is today? Tuesday June 14...Flag Day
19. What website's are you subscribed to? None
20. How many computers are in your house? Two desktops and two laptops...so four
21. How many bathrooms are in your house? 1...^^;
22. Do you tan easily? I usually burn...
23. Have you ever been to Florida? I've flown over it...^^;
24. Do you have any serious medical conditions? Nope
25. Have you broken any bones in your body? Not that we know for sure...
26. Have you ever seen the show "Laguna Beach"? No...
27. What is the last CD you bought? Amadan - Hell-bent 4 Victory
28. Is music a big part of your life? Yes...I've always got a song in my head, I sing all the time and am usually listening to music.
29. Have you had a lot of homework lately? Nope
30. Do you like to watch soccer? Occasionally...
31. What is your favorite shape? A star!
32. Do you like to blow bubbles? Yes...and chase them too..lol
33. Have you ever smoked? Negatory!
34. Who is your favorite teacher? Ms. Fahlgren and Mrs. Seman
35. What do you think of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite"? I have yet to see it...
36. Do you like Reese's, Snicker's or 3 Musketeers the best? I like 'em all...but if I had to choose just one I'd probably pick Snicker's...
37. What is your favorite flavor jelly bean? lemon, lime, grapefruit and peppermint
38. Do you straighten your hair every morning? No, I don't need to...
39. When you were little did you ever want to be a pirate? Not that I recall
40. Are you familiar with the show "Rocko's Modern Life"? lol, yes...I use to watch it all the time...^^;
41. Have you been to Chuckie Cheese in the past year? No, but my friend use to have his b-day party there every year when we were younger...
42. Are you in high school? Nope...I've been free for a year now! :D
43. Do you plan on going to college? I just finished my first year...
44. Do you have more than 2 piercings? Nope, I have exactly two
45. Would you ever get any more piercings? Nah...
46. Do you have a lot of nicknames? I have a few...
47. Do people call you by your real name? Sometimes...most people call me Michi or Mich
48. Do you live on the water? Nope
49. Have you ever been skiing? Nope
50. Have you ever been snowboarding? No
51. Have you ever purchased anything from CVS? Can't say that I have...
52. What are you scared of? Being alone, spiders, the dark sometimes
53. Have you ever had sushi? Yes
53. Have you ever eaten calamari? Yes...it was like eating a deep fried balloon...yeck!
54. Do you like dogs? Not so much...
55. Do you believe in any form of religion? Yes
56. What does your bedroom look like? clothes and papers everywhere, unmade bed, random posters on the wall
57. Do you read a lot? Not as much as I used to...
58. How long is your hair? about 2-3 inches past my shoulders
59. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they? Procrastinating, cracking my knuckles, not putting my clothes away..
60. Where do you go to school? GRCC
61. What is the last thing you heard? My audition music
62. What is the next big holiday coming up? the Fourth of July
63. Are you going to the beach this summer? I dunno...
64. Have you ever played online Bingo? No...
65. Have you ever played iSketch online? What's that?
66. What color pens do you have? Lots...I have a whole bunch of gel pens in my room...
67. When was the last time you were sick? Well, I had a really bad cold in december...
68. Do you eat your vegetables? For the most part
69. Do you wear skirts a lot? More than I used to
70. What is your favortie outfit? I don't really have one...
71. Are you addicted to gum? No...not really
72. Do you get into sports on TV? Yes, not so much this season since I've been pretty busy...
73. Who do you think is the hottest celebrity? I dunno...
74. What is your least favorite band? LEAST favourite?...I dunno...
75. What is the best ride in an amusement park? Roller coastes, bumper cars and tilt-a-whirl
76. What is the last thing you said out loud? "Bye, love you, drive safe" to my dad when he left for work this morning...
77. Are you extremely bored right now? Nah...
78. Do you like having snowball fights? Yes.
79. When was the last time it snowed? It snowed a teensy bit this winter, but nothing too spectacular...we got some pretty good snow last winter...
80. When was the last time you saw a fight? I dunno...
81. Have you ever seen a dolphin up close? At Sea World...
82. Do you overuse the word "LOL"? yeah...
83. Do you like to watch porn? No.
84. How many classes are you in in school right now? None, it's summer break! :D
85. How often do you check your email? I dunno...several times daily
86. Have you ever wished upon a star? Of course! :D
87. What was the last party you went to? I dunno...probably Ben's birthday party...
88. Who was the last person you had over your house? g'ah...I dunno...I usually go to people's houses...
89. What's the best quality in a guy/girl? Kindness and honesty/sincerity
90. Do you own a LiveStrong bracelet? No
91. What was the most trouble you've ever gotten into? Last year when I didn't get a high enough grade and my dad pulled me from the spring musical...I dunno...I don't really get in trouble very much...
92. What mesmorizes you when you look at it? People's lj icons...
93. What is the best girl name? Lydia and Cyndel
94. Have you ever been set up with somebody you hardly knew? Nope
95. Have you ever been on a waterbed? Yes, my friend's sister use to have one.
96. When was the last time you got in trouble at school? I dunno...probably in 7th grade when I got an after school detention for having a D in pre-algebra and having missing assignments...
97. Are you sitting in a computer chair? No, I'm sitting in a chair at my kitchen table
98. Who is in the room with you? Noone
99. What is on the table that you are sitting at? An empty cereal bowl with a spoon, my laptop, and some sheet music.
100. How many Livejournal sites have you visited today? Just mine and then my friend's page...

quizzes/surveys, auditions, school, choir

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