Title: Pent Up Frustrations Rating: R Pairing: James/Sirius Summary After a hard nights Quidditch Practise, James and Sirius return to their dorm. Sirius isn't best pleased. Author Notes: A drabble for sherig. :D Hope you like it, love. ( Read more... )
Oh ya know... working through my ears. My free time is spent trying to write the next chapter of my stories... other than that I'm working, or sleeping. Hehehehe... just wanted to say hellow and I'm still here! *hugs*
Hearts, Lemon Heads, and Hugs from, Lemon Bing Bong
Comments 5
And ps. OMG BITING! *my one true kink* hehe
Ahhh love it bubby! oh I just love J/S like a fat kid loves cake! And even more when u write it!
Sorry I had to rush off, my boss phoned and told me to come to work becasue they were busy. *rolls eyes* He's useless, hehe.
Hearts, Lemon Heads, and Yumminess from,
Lemon Bing Bong
every. Single. Friend.
You're a braver person than I. I'm good thank you. :) How are you?
Hearts, Lemon Heads, and Hugs from,
Lemon Bing Bong
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