Each player starts with the six weird things/habits/quirks about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own stating their six weird things/habits/quirks, as well as stating this rule clearly. In the end you need to tag six more people and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you're tagged" in their comments
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Comments 3
1.When I meet people on the street I always look right in their eyes because I told myself I was “tired of ignoring the world.” Nice job, greg.
2.I check out books from the library that I have no intention of reading.
3.Any time I am really adamant about saying I was just kidding, it means I was probably telling the truth.
4.I count the number of letters in words and add words and phrases so the total comes out to an amount I feel is appropriate. It has to end in an 8 or 6. And I seem to make a new rule every few months. I’ve been doing that since I was in 3rd grade and I do it at least once every minute of every day. And I count all of my footsteps.
5.No matter how much I like a book, I won’t read it more than once.
6.Whenever I notice something about myself I try to stop doing it to see what happens. SO if all goes to plan, this list is obsolete.
and something quirky about BRAD: you point at/poke people when youre talking to them. i think its great.
I've seen you dressed exactly like Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver in your everyday attire, HOWEVER, I've never seen you shave your head into the mohawk.
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