[Name]: Ashleigh
[Age]: 19
[Gender]: girl
[Birthday]: august 27
[Nationality]: scottish, english, italian
[Hair colour]: brown
[Hair style]: way too effing long
[Eye colour]: brown
[Skin colour]: white
[Height]: 5'6ish
[Piercings]: lobes, cartilidge, tongue
[Usually Wears]: jeans, hoodies
[Positive personality traits]: i'm fun. thanks.
[Non-positive personality traits]: i'm an asshole. thanks again.
[Likes]: a lot of things.
[Dislikes]: wiggersssss.
[Fears]: the dark.
.Family Life.
[Lives with]: myself.
[Sibling(s)]: jessie & jodi - 22, Justin 10, Codie - 10, Mackenzie - 6, Cory - 9, n 2 other brothers..
[Pet(s)]: i'm getting fishies sooon.
[Relationship with family]: my mom&brother are my life. everyone else can blow me.
:: a dream is a wish your heart makes :: (what the fuck? bahahah)
[Your initials spell out]: ALD
[Have you ever owned a pet goldfish?]: yah and it was so big we couldnt flush it
[Do you eat Goldfish?]: for breakfast.
[Your favorite birthday memory]: DAVE MATTHEWS BAND 2003 ♥
[Moment you're most proud of]: GRADUATION.
[Moment you're most ashamed of]: hmm
[Celebrity crush]: Shane West, Ashton Kutcher
[Non-celebrity crush]: no one right now..
:: fill in the blanks, mofo ::
[Pirates are]: so fucking annoying. don't even speak to me.
[Don't be fooled by]: fools
[I'm too sexy for my]: nothing.
[Courtney Love is]: blonde.
[I'd like another]: drink.
[I don't understand]: how this is love to you.
[Where have all the good people]: there is no such thing as good people
[Dude. Sweet. Dude. Sweet.]: Dude.
[Girls are]: fuckin gayyyy.
[Boys are]: the same.
[Only the _______ survive]: strong?
[Can I get a booyah?]: ..
[Name?]: Ashleigh
[Age?]: 19
[Location?]: chili, ny
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: nope
[Whats his/her name?]: ---
[Whats one word you could think of to describe them?]: ---
[Whats the best thing they've ever done for you?]: ---
[If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?]: eh, not really
[Fav movie?]: girl interrupted
[Fav person you know?]: kelley & allison
[Fav food and drink?]: pizza / snapple
[Fav shirt you own?]: blue&white striped AE shirt
[Fav place you've been to?]: californiaaa.
[Fav colors?]: black, baby blue, baby pink
[Fav place to be?]: with lithium.
[Fav store?]: american eagle
[Fav tv show?]: laguna
[Fav song?]: anything dmb
[Pepsi or coke?]: coke
[Chocolate or vanilla?]: chocolate
[Internet or phone?]: both
[McDonalds or Burger King?]: ew gross wendys
[Eminem or 50 cent?]: 50
[Make up or no make up?]: either, as long as your makeup isn't gaudy and doesn't need to be chizzled off your face at night
[Cat or dog?]: dog
[Spanish or French?: je parle francais
[Lights on or lights off?]: off
[Hungry or full?]: what? hungry.. when ur full you feel sick.. and least i do
[Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?]: dunkins hot chocolate was soo addicting
---are you---
[Suicidal?]: nope
[Stubborn?]: yes
[Open-minded?]: usually
[Arrogant?]: nope
[Patient?]: definitely not
[Hyper?]: yes
[Nice?]: if i like you
[Happy?]: eh, sometimes
[Depressed?]: meh.. not so much anymore.. i've learned that some things will never change
---who do you want to---
[Fuck?]: :)
[Kiss?]: Jordan
[Hurt?]: some cunt. :)
[Beat the shit out of?]: that same cunt. :)
[Kill?]: last time i said something about wanting to kill someone, i had the cops at my house.
[Hug?]: Doozerrrr.
---with the opposite sex---
[Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?]: blue
[Hair color?]: blondes
[Curly or straight?]: hm either
[Tall or short?]: taller then me
[Red hair, blonde hair, brunette or other?]: look above
[Pale tan or in the middle?]: middle
---would you---
[Shave your head for $1000?]: probably
[Cheat on your bf/gf?]: would i? more like have i? ..
[Eat a bug?]: prolly.
[Be on fear factor?]: yes
[Kill yourself?]: nope
[Cut yourself if you were depressed?]: meh
[Turn goth?]: wrong.
[Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?]: haha yah
---your friends---
[Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?]: lithium
[Whos ur best friend of the same sex?]: lithium
[Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?]: prolly doozer
*Hobbies and stuff*
[What grade are you in?]: graduated.
[What kind of grades do you make?]: i made pretty decent grades for being in school twice a week.
[Do you like school?]: wrong
[Are you involved in any sports?]: i played tennis at CC and soccer, basketball and softball at donia
[Whats your favorite subject?]: it was senior englishhh
[Whats your least?]: PIG.
[Do you have alot of friends?]: i have a lot of acquaintences.
[What type of people do you hang out with?]: fun ones.
[Do you make friends easily?]: yeah, people like me normally.
[Are you outgoing or shy?]: shy, until i know you well.
[Do people find you funny?]: yes
[Do you have a positive out look on life?]: yah sure
[Do you like to listen to what people say?]: nope
[Sport]: soccer, baseball
[Car]: i really miss my sunfire. :(
[Clothing]: hoodies and jeans
[Shoes]: flip flops
[Book]: the perks of being a wallflower
*Opposite Sex*
[What do you look for in a relationship?]: fun to hang out with, someone i wont get sick of, likes the same music - god that is a must
[Looks or Personality?]: personality, idc what you look like, if your nice to me your in
[Does it matter that he/she is a different race?]: nope
*Goals in life*
[What do you plan on doing for employment later in life?]: hopefully i will run ackerpak someday
[Do you want to get married?]: sure
[Have kids?]: yup 2 girls
[If so, how many kids?]: 2
[What do you want to name your kids?]: Cadence Marie & Adriana Lyn
[If you dont want kids why not?]:...
[Do you plan on going to college?]: yup
[Do you like cheetos?]: nope
[DO you do drugs?]: yes
[Drink liquor?]: yes
Thirteen random things you like:
1. mixed cds
2. pajamas
3. holding hands
4. my friends
5. marijuana
6. coors light
7. dave matthews band
8. beer pong
9. singalongs
10. lithium <3
11. driving
12. perfume
13. sleepovers
Twelve movies:
1. don't say a word
2. crazy beautiful
3. finding nemo
4. monsters inc
5. girl interrupted
6. starsky & hutch
7. mean girls
8. seven
9. uhh
10. yeahh
11. i dont watch movies
12. k
Eleven good bands/artists:
1. dave matthews band
2. john mayer
3. benfolds
4. daphne loves derby
5. gavin degraw
6. guster
7. josh kelley
8. oasis
9. oar
10. the postal service
11. jason mraz
Ten things about you ... physically:
1. i hate my brown eyes
2. my glasses are better than yours
3. perfect teeth
4. i have big feet. =(
5. my eyes are usually bloodshot
6. my cartilidge is pierced
7. i dont have a jlo ass and i want one
8. imm ugly
9. i only have 9 toes.. kidding.. totally kidding
10. pastynessss. til i start tanning. haha
Nine good friends (in no particular order):
1. kelley
2. allison
3. kelly
4. abbey
5. rachel
6. katie
7. doozer
8. pilcher
9. meech
Eight favorite foods/drinks:
1. snapple
2. snapple
3. snapple
4. snapple
5. snapple
6. snapple
7. snapple
8. snapple
Seven things you wear daily:
1. rings
2. socks
3. shirt
4. bra
5. pants
6. undies
7. perfume
Six things that you did today:
1. worked
2. drove
3. talked on aim
4. ate
5. slept
6. hung with al
Five things you thought about today:
1. him..
2. work
3. sex
4. blunt
5. annoying
Four things you're doing right now:
1. filling this out..
2. listening 2 music
4. waiting to leave
3. thinkin
Three things people usually call you:
1. ackerman
2. ackerpak
3. ashleigh
Two people that you have kissed:
1. casey patrickk
2. mike
I have patience problems. Big Time.
I hateee HMShost. Seriously, I do. I cannot wait until Ackerpak is 10x bigger than it is. I'm gonna drop HMShost like a bad habit. GODDD. Allison and I wigged out today. I spent 10 and a half hours there because we were getting raped. I was supposed to work 7-2BK and then 2-4DD and I was scheduled by myself, ON A FRIDAY, ON COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND. I tweeked and didn't leave BK until 3:40. And Wagner tried to make me pull drawers. WRONG. It's your safe, not mine and it's YOUR job. I do it on the weekends, and only WHEN THEY NEED me during the week. Other than that, I'm getting paid to bust ass in the kitchen, so that's what I'm doing. CASHIER. Not ADMIN. You fucking lazy fucks. That's what they are. LAZY. I cannot fucking stand it. All Joe did was bitch today about how he didn't move from BK front line for 6 hours. WELL FUCKER, I didn't move from Whopper board from 10:30 til I went on break at 1pm, and then I came back from break and did not move until 3:40 when I finally waltzed my ass to Dunkin. First of all, it's hot as BALLS in BK kitchen because of the 4 fryers and the broiler, bitch and complain all you want about expediting, COME SWEAT BALLS, then we'll talk. Secondly, working in the kitchen is 10x harder than scooping fries and bagging sandwiches, eat shit and die. Thirdly, OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES and learn how to read sandwiches, there is fucking nothing worse then making a sandwich 10x because your fucking expediter is a moron. Fourth, don't fucking fight with me, I always win. As both Joe and Lisa learnde today. I am not nice damnit.
I fuckin hit a deer today going to work too. That was really fucking sweet. I was doing like 50-55 on union because I was late haha, and I seen the one deer across the road and then I seen the other 2 and I thought I had plenty of time to get through them but I definitely didn't and the next thing I knew my eyes were closed, my radio shut off, I heard a loud thud, and I was SCREAMING bloody murder. WHACK. I fuckin mutalated it too. I didn't even break or anything, I just plowed it over. I pulled over, and the fucking 3 people behind me didn't even stop. Fuck you, assholes. I got out and checked my car and there wasn't even a scratch or anything. I hit that mother fucker pretty hard too. Scared the shit out of it, literally. There was fuckin deer shit all ove the side of my door. Yeah, Allison very nicely pointed that out to me when I pulled into work. HAHA so fuckin gross but so fuckin hilarious. I fucking hate deer, fuck them.
Journey is seriously so fuckin sweet. I cannot believe I missed their concert this year. Fuck me int the ass.
I'm supposd to be with Allison right now, but she's with Aaron. I'm probably going to bed soon, I've been waiting for over an hour. Gay.
I talked with Vail, I guess things are going to be okay. That's good I suppose. I'm retarded sometimes, I can't stand it.
Joseph and I are on good terms again as well, which is good news.
And, for the first time in over 2 years I don't have feelings for anyone. It's really odd, I'm almost trying to force myself to find someone to care about. It's fucked up how badly I want something to work out for me. How I'll force myself to have feelings and emotions for people who I normally wouldn't. I'm a head case ladies and gentlemen. It's fuckeddd.
Tomorrow is going to be effing fabolous. Kelley & I are going out to Abbey's for the night, it's gonna be sweet! Wasted times to come. :) I'm excitedddd. I miss Abbey & Mike.
Yup, and I'm going to bed.