Dear Yuletide Writer,
First, I apologize in advance if I do this wrong. It’s my first time participating in Yuletide, and while I’ve looked into it, I can’t guarantee I’m doing it right. Hopefully I don’t come across as too demanding or over the top.
My three fandom requests are as follows;
Fandom: Diablo III
Characters: Kormac the templar, the male Necromancer
Prompts: I’ve got three, so pick whichever strikes your fancy.
*The Necromancer sounds downright exasperated at times when talking to Kormac in the game, which amuses me greatly. A buddy cop style comedic story where the Necromancer is irritated by Kormac’s bravado and single-minded morality, but gradually comes to respect the templar, would be great. If you want to swap between the two POV’s and have Kormac be similarly wary about the Necromancer and his line of work before coming to respect him in turn, that would be fine by me too.
*Kormac goes through a lot of crap by the end of the story, especially if you have the Reaper of Souls expansion. I don’t care if he says he always felt out of place in the order, finding out your life was a lie and killing your mentor and possible father figure is not going to leave you mentally unscathed. Add in the fact that TV Tropes suggests that Eirena knew about Kormac’s feelings for her and then shut him down (though I don’t object to her doing it, but the way she did it), and I feel like the guy needs a hug. So the prompt proper is that after the events of the game, everything finally comes crashing down on Kormac (perhaps he gets a little drunk in a tavern?) and he has an emotional breakdown, complete with crying (manly or otherwise). I doubt the Necromancer would be one to give him a hug, but him offering Kormac reassurance and comfort (even if it’s in his own way) would be right up my alley.
*This one doesn’t require the Necromancer to be involved. Three years before voicing Kormac, Dominic Keating had a small role in Dragon Age: Origins, where he plays a demon who takes the form of a mouse (he’s even called Mouse), and his second line of dialogue is talking about how terrible Templars are. I find this hilarious and would love to see a crossover where Kormac and Mouse meet. I imagine this either ends with a) Mouse giving up in disgust after failing to tempt Kormac to the dark side because Kormac is so devoted to his order, or b) Kormac realizing Mouse is evil and punting him like a football.
Fandom specific DNWs: Slash, especially between my two requested characters. I have nothing against slash, but that’s not how I see this particular relationship playing out.
Fandom: All About Eve
Characters: Addison DeWitt, original female character
Prompts: Two potential prompts for this one;
*Many years after the events of the movie, Addison and Eve are still together, and in fact have had a daughter. Both of them have been molding their daughter to be as like them as possible (perhaps a kind of power-play to get the upper hand in the relationship), and she’s grown up with the best (or worst, depending on who you talk to) traits of both; intelligent, witty/snarky, ambitious, cunning, and manipulative when necessary. When she’s somewhere between sixteen and eighteen, she attends a society/theater party, and Addison watches her deftly navigate the social shoals with pride.
*Can be set at any point, but it might make the most sense to be after the movie. Addison is approached by a young woman who greatly admires his work and wants to be his protégée. She’s cheerful and naïve, though the sample of her work he sees has promise. The story could go one of two ways at that point; he either takes her under his wing with the intent of twisting her into someone cynical like him, or he dismisses her (perhaps wary because of what happened with Margo and Eve) only for her to do or say something which proves she’s more like him than he initially thought, and takes her on, impressed. The big wrinkle here is that I don’t want any sex between them. In the first example, the corruption happens entirely via discussion and casual suggestion, and in the second, he truly does just see her as a promising writing talent.
Fandom specific DNWs: If you go with the first prompt, don’t go into details about how the daughter came to be. It would probably be hatesex bordering on dubcon, and that’s not the main reason I’m prompting it.
Fandom: Treasure Planet
Characters: Captain Amelia
Prompts: This one’s a lot more general. I just want to know more about Captain Amelia’s life before the events of the movie. You can show me how she came to be a Captain, give me an exciting battle scene, or even just a scene showing her friendship with Mr. Arrow. All I ask is that you keep her wit and badassitude intact.
(Though if you’re familiar with my fic “Windfalls”, which is an AU that pairs up Amelia and Horatio Hornblower, I would be overjoyed to get some shipfic for them that wasn’t written by me.)
General Likes:
*Playful or witty banter
*Hurt/comfort (with preference for the comfort)
*Happy/lighthearted endings
*Smut/Kink; I want these fics to be gen, though having romantic relationships as a small part of them are ok.
*Noncon/Dubcon (probably covered by the first point, but I want to cover my bases).
*Gore or excessive violence.
*Serious illnesses, especially degenerative ones like Alzheimer's.
*Death(s) of the requested characters, including Hornblower if that prompt gets filled.
Thank you in advance for writing for me! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!