Thorondir: I fully intend to at least pull a rabbit out of a hat :D
Mouth: >.<
Thorondir: *pats* ...*seduce*
Mouth: ¬.¬
Thorondir: :D
Mouth: such a bad idea...
Thorondir: Naw. I'm bound to succeed at some point
Mouth: I'm a bit afraid of that...
Thorondir: At least I don't have piranha teeth
Mouth: ;_; Ioreth dumped me.
Thorondir: so. Hello! *waves hands*
Mouth: *Looks longingly at the rum*
Thorondir: -_-
Mouth: ...sorry what were you saying?
Thorondir: nothing. self-esteem crumbling o.o
Mouth: *pats akwardly* ah I'm sorry...
Thorondir: are not
Mouth: ...what am I supposed to be sorry for again?
Thorondir: wrecking my fragile self esteem, fucker
Mouth: I did? What did I do?
Thorondir: SAILORS. sailors. bloody sailors
Mouth: *eyedarts* Listen I have no idea what happened last night. I must've been pretty drunk to start reminescing about my childhood because my childhood sucked. So you do have my full and most sincere apologies for whatever tales I subjected you to...
Thorondir: *glares*
Mouth: So uh...what was so bad about sailors?
Thorondir: Your timing. And it being really really boring
Mouth: *eyedarts*
Thorondir: ¬.¬
Mouth: Right. So you are paying attention right?
Thorondir: Yes.
Mouth: Good because messing up with magic is a worse fate than SAILORS.
Thorondir: O_O
Mouth: Good. That's proper respect for what you're dealing with. ...and I really wish I could remember the details of last night
Thorondir: I could demonstrate :D
Mouth: Um. Couldn't you just tell me?
Thorondir: nope
Mouth: ¬.¬
Thorondir: It's just a leeetle demonstration then I'll tell you the rest
Mouth: Oh okay then...
Thorondir: *pinch*
Mouth: OUCH!
Mouth: >.< And here I thought I might've been in danger of being inapporpriate in other ways....
Thorondir: there. You fell asleep on me and I pinched you. Then I gave up and you started kissing me and then after you had about eight thousand moral dilemnas you started talking about sailors and I fell asleep
Mouth: oh. Okay.
Thorondir: There. That's what you did. Also, your breath smells terrible when you've been drinking
Mouth: *nods* Well you survived my drunken angst so I suppose I should thank you for that...
Mouth: Thanks...
Thorondir: hmph
Mouth: If I remembered properly I'd probably really appreciate your staying up with me.
Thorondir: no you wouldn't
Mouth: Why do you say that? Having someone there is better than going through it all alone...
Thorondir: cause it's me
Mouth: What's wrong with you?
Thorondir: ...are you drunk again?
Mouth: Why? what?
Mouth: I'm very sober.
Thorondir: You asked what was wrong with me
Mouth: Right. I don't see why you would be bad company.
Mouth: ...unless you weren't taunting me about Ioreth and Erendis were you?
Thorondir: beyond the fact that any other time we've talked I've insulted you, acted like a brat and tend to yell "MURDERER"?
Mouth: Ah right. Well you have your moment's but I've delt with worse...
Thorondir: that's my entire life, not a moment. Who's worse?
Mouth: Your a regular ray of sunshine compared to some of the people I had to work with in Mordor.
Mouth: And I rather assumed that if I had drunkenly kissed you, you were at least being entertainly obnoxious.
Thorondir: I was curled up on you intending to use you as a pillow in-between demands for sex. Is that entertainingly obnoxious? I'm not up on the term definitions
Mouth: o.o oh.
Thorondir: Is that a yes or a no?
Mouth: ...that would be a no.
Thorondir: oh. what was it then? what I was doing?
Mouth: You know...maybe it isn't a good idea for me to continue teaching you ...
Thorondir: ...why? NO. YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO
Thorondir: And I'm paying attention!
Thorondir: What'd I do?
Mouth: Right. *eyedarts* Some of the side effects of magic usage - especially while learning or after a period of nonuse include lightheadedness, and often drunken behavour while your body adjusts to the change.
Thorondir: That doesn't answer my question.
Mouth: ...Teaching you could present problems...
Thorondir: What do you mean?
Mouth: I'm going to have to up my own practice with magic in order to make sure I'm teaching you properly. I would feel better about teaching you if you promised not to try to seduce me...
Thorondir: Why? Apparently I'm crappy at it, so you're safe.
Mouth: ¬.¬
Thorondir: that's what you said.
Mouth: I said you were bad at seduction?
Thorondir: Just my approach
Mouth: I'm sorry. I'll just be careful and maybe if we tackle things gradually we can cut back on the side effects. Which really aren't that pleasant. I'll continue teaching you.
Thorondir: okay
Mouth: *half smile* There's a good boy.
Thorondir: hissss
Mouth: Er sorry...
Thorondir: How'd you make yourself immortal?
Mouth: Some experimentation and a very complex spell. Body and soul are completely woven together in such a way that prevents mental or physical aging
Thorondir: hmm.
Mouth: I nearly killed myself in doing it and it has its drawbacks so I wouldn't encourage anyone else doing it...
Thorondir: of course
Thorondir: Could you have done it to someone else?
Mouth: ....theoritcally yes. But as I said very complex.
Thorondir: *nods* okay. I figured out what I want to learn
Mouth: But you already have incredible lifespan being part maiar
Thorondir: Not for me
Mouth: Who then. This is important because it would take knowing this person nearly inside and out.
Thorondir: Gwathren
Mouth: *nods* I see. But you understand it is going to be difficult. In some ways it's easier to preform such a spell on yourself because you're already subconsciouly aware of your own link between body and soul...
Thorondir: She's the one who hates dying
Mouth: Well. I approve although understand this - you will freeze her mentally at whatever age this spell is preformed...
Thorondir: I like where she is...
Mouth: You might now. But you're going to continue maturing...
Mouth: It should be her decision.
Thorondir: *shrugs*
Mouth: Right so this first week you'll just have to practice seeing souls and finding your own...
Thorondir: oh goody
Mouth: *eyebrow raise* It's not easy... You probably won't find anything this week...or maybe you'll be able to make out a fuzzy blur.
Thorondir: don't extinguish my enthusiasm
Mouth: Probably best to choose someone to foucas on... physcial contact sometimes helps.
Thorondir: oh?
Mouth: I'm using the word "see" because there's really no better word for it. It's not really visual... *shurgs*
Mouth: I really hope you have a talent for this...
Thorondir: Persistence count?
Mouth: Maybe. It's just that most of this sounds very stupid and I don't like to talk about it generally...
Thorondir: So. Physical contact. Do I just randomly grab someone or...?
Mouth: Well. I'm not a very good example...I've messed with my own soul quite a bit so it might be a bit more difficult to pick up but here...close your eyes and give me your hands and try to concentrate - clear your mind...
Thorondir: I would but... o.o *runs off*
Mouth: Dammit. >.<
Mouth: I'm not going to hurt you.
Mouth: Shouldn't ever have agreed to teach him.
Mouth: I hate sounding schoolmarmish
Mouth: I always end up sounding insane when I talk about it... *sulks*
Masked incognita: (Gwathren) *carries Floor the beetle with her down the hall*
Thorondir: *scurries past*
Masked incognita: (Gwathren) Diri! There you are! Floor and I were just looking for you...
Thorondir: gotta go o.o
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) Are you okay?
Thorondir: Not if you don't let me get where I'm going. move it.
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) ... *trails behind Diri* What's wrong? You're acting odd.
Thorondir: I forgot to do my chores!
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) So you never do your chores...
Thorondir: I do sometimes. Shut up.
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) Not enough to notice I've been covering for you for the past three weeks...
Thorondir: Isn't my fault you've got too much free time
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) *smiles at him* But I did them for you today so you don't have any chores to do!
Thorondir: ...o.o oh
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) I do things when I can't sleep and so everything works and I have time when everyone is awake.
Thorondir: goddamnit
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) Something IS wrong and it's not chores...
Thorondir: it *was* chores
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) If you don't want to tell me...that's fine.
Masked incognita: (Gwathren) Just don't keep claiming it was chores when you've never run like that for them before.
Thorondir: I just didn't want to give Grima an excuse to ground me. That's all
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) Where have you been today? Floor and I already looked for you in your room...
Thorondir: Somewhere. Stop asking me questions
Masked incognita: (Gwathren) Why?
Thorondir: because it's annoying
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) Oh. So what are you going to do now?
Thorondir: um. go to Mouth's room
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) ...can I come too?
Thorondir: ._. why?
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) Because I haven't seen you in awhile?
Thorondir: so?
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) ...and Trotter isn't alive and Grima is busy and Erendis has been a little weird and yesterday a galmod ate me and there's going to be a new clone.
Thorondir: I don't want you coming with me
Masked incognita: (Gwathern) ...oh. Okay...come on Floor... *walks off*
Thorondir: good.
Mouth: *eyebrow raise* I thought you had fled in horror.
Thorondir: thought I had chores o.o
Mouth: ahh...and you don't?
Thorondir: Gwathren's started doing them for me. *hops on a chair and tries to look studious*
Mouth: How nice.
Mouth: Do you want to practice...if you're uncomfortable I won't force you to...
Mouth: Just that being able to locate and manipulate the soul is going to be important if you want to help her...
Thorondir: I do want to! I just didn't want to end up getting locked in my room again before I even get started
Mouth: Okay. *takes a seat across from Thorondir* Close your eyes and give me your hands...
Thorondir: kay *holds them out*
Mouth: *takes them and presses Thorondir's hands to his temples* Concentrate and see if you can sense anything at all..
Thorondir:'s like a vast gaping void there...
Mouth: *eyebrow raise* Relax then.
Thorondir: ¬.¬ I need to work on my tone. *actually tries this time*
Mouth: Don't feel bad if you can't...only your first time and mine is...different...
Mouth: Generally you can start picking out other peoples before you find your own and athough it's possible to teach you some magic before you locate your own's dangerous.
Thorondir: I just feel your pulse
Mouth: *shrugs and lets go of Thorondir's hands* You only just learned about this today - I'm probably pushing you...
Thorondir: *frowns*
Mouth: All I can try to do is explain what you're looking for and hope you find it... It's sorta like a Magic Eye Puzzle...
Thorondir: I hate those
Mouth: I can explain and you can stare...but something will trigger it and at least you tried...
Thorondir: alright...
Mouth: Do you want to try again now or should I lecture some more?
Thorondir: I want something to eat
Mouth: *Nods* ...of course. I have some leftover pasta here or you could go to the kitchen...
Thorondir: Kitchen's great. Back in a bit
and while I was gone, Mouth broke up with Ioreth. Less angst clouds :D
Thorondir: *clings to Mouth*
Mouth: ... *hugs*
Thorondir: :D
Mouth: Turns out that Ioreth just likes playing bizarre minds games with me...
Thorondir: It's because you're pretty stupid.
Mouth: Oh? How so? Enlighten me oh wise one...
Thorondir: You always believe her. Therefore, you're stupid. And you deserve it.
Mouth: I've trusted her. Trust isn't stupid.
Thorondir: *pats* It's a slow learning process, I know
Mouth: I just don't understand. I tell her when I'm worried and she get offended when a simple "You're on crack, Mouth" would do
Thorondir: she should smite you instead. *nods* Did that Sauron guy do that?
Mouth: Yeah... um...have been on the wrong end of a few smitings. Very painful...
Thorondir: I think they're supposed to be
Mouth: See you wouldn't joke about them if you had ever been smote.
Thorondir: You just suffocated me and Erendis seems pretty content to hurt me normally. So don't have any gods after *me*.
Mouth: *looks down* Well be thankful for it.
Thorondir: Meh
Mouth: Still really sorry about your death...
Thorondir: It was highly traumatic, yes
Mouth: ...I tried to make it painless..
Thorondir: creepy and scary falls into it too, you know
Mouth: Ah. Right...
Mouth: *practices throwing darts using only air*
Thorondir: o.o
Mouth: I've gotten better at it since I've started practicing...
Thorondir: don't get me with any of them
Mouth: Don't stand between them and the dartboard and I won't.
Thorondir: mrr. *watches* *picks one up*
Mouth: *grins and pops it out of Thorondir's hand sending it sailing toward the dartboard* Bah almost a bullseye that one.
Thorondir: ¬.¬
Mouth: It's really fascinating what you can do with air... Learn how it works and you never need to fight anyone.
Thorondir: *shrugs and toys with another dart* *leans on Mouth* throw another one. I can beat a bullseye
Mouth: *throws a bullseye* You'll be aiming for the little rings right?
Thorondir: Naw. Do it again. *waits until Mouth tosses another one and hits it out of the air right in front of the board* :D if I had more I could write something...*yawns*
Mouth: You little imp... so you don't ever miss...
Thorondir: Which is why Grima is still trying to figure out how he ends up with feathers and cheerios in his hair every day when he can't spot anyone
Mouth: *laughs* You know I've wondered about that... I suppose I should be on the look out for well aimed cheerios too...
Thorondir: I'll save your darts for you
Mouth: Do so and you find yourself stuck to the ceiling...
Thorondir: *pinch*
Mouth: Ouch. >.<
Thorondir: and that is what I say to threats of sticking me to the roof
Mouth: Mmn. It doesn't hurt...unless I drop you...
Thorondir: *pinches again*
Mouth: *winces and grins*
Thorondir: What are you grinning about?
Mouth: The mental image. People are rather amusing when helpless and immoble.
Thorondir: ah.
Mouth: *eyedarts* Not that I ever abuse that skill...
Thorondir: *PINCH*
Mouth: OUCH. What was that for?
Thorondir: not telling
Mouth: That one's going to be black and blue...
Mouth: Another one like that and I will stick you to the ceiling...
Thorondir: ..*clings* no you won't
Mouth: *ruffles Thorondir's hair* what afraid of heights?
Thorondir: helpless and immobile?
Mouth: Ah... Right. *pats* Okay. I'll try to keep from using that on you...
Thorondir: mrr. *starts tying up Mouth's hair*
Mouth: *continues playing with the darts while humming a sea shanty*
Thorondir: *twitch*
Mouth: *blinks* hum?
Thorondir: sailors! *grumbles*
Mouth: *half smile and leans back against Thorondir*
Thorondir: *pinch*
Mouth: owwww... Right. ¬.¬ To the ceiling with you floorlubber! *grins and sticks Thorondir to the ceiling*
Thorondir: ....
Mouth: *streaches out on the bed and grins up at Thorondir*
Thorondir: ...>.< *refuses to look at Mouth*
Mouth: More room this way anyways...
Thorondir: ;_;
Mouth: And noone is pinching me either! Mn...but you can come back down if you promise to behave yourself.
Thorondir: >.<
Mouth: ...and maybe if you work hard enough I can teach you how to avoid being stuck and trussed up like that.
Thorondir: *glares*
Mouth: *floats him back down and releases him* You're heavier than you look...
Thorondir: *scurries out of reach*
Mouth: *sits up* I'm sorry if I scared you...
Thorondir: I am not a post-it note
Mouth: Of course you aren't. Post it notes generally don't pinch hunks of flesh off of unsuspecting victums
Thorondir: the really vicious ones do
Mouth: I don't buy that brand.
Thorondir: Don't put me on the ceiling
Mouth: I won't...
Thorondir: ¬.¬ *stays out of reach*
Mouth: *curls on the bed and watches semi amused*
Thorondir: *starts playing with a dart*
Mouth: *eyebrow raise* Go ahead and throw it but remember you're still well within reach.
Thorondir: *glares* *spins it*
Mouth: *sits up* I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that ...
Thorondir: nope. shouldn't have. *stabs a beetle with the dart*
Mouth: You shouldn't have pinched me though...I told you not to...
Thorondir: it was like the voice of Eru compelling me to
Mouth: *eyedarts* You would be yodeling if it was the voice of Eru that told you to do so.
Thorondir: Wasn't he wandering around here with roses for you once?
Mouth: ...don't want to talk about it...
Thorondir: *tosses dart at the board*
Mouth: *buries face in a pillow*
Thorondir: what?
Mouth: ...think about Eru got me started on odd relationships I've had and um that reminded me of Ioreth...
Thorondir: lord. I smell angst
Mouth: Right. *rubs neck* I'll just be quiet.
Thorondir: *pounces Mouth*
Mouth: O.O
Thorondir: hi
Mouth: *eyedarts* Hi?
Thorondir: *cling*
Mouth: *tries to sit up * so wait one moment are you okay because just one moment ago you were wanting to put a dart though my eye... o.o
Thorondir: I didn't want to put a dart through your eye. o.o
Thorondir: You still have it, don't you
Mouth: Oh...because you certainly seemed like you were rather cross with me... Um...have what?
Thorondir: Your eye
Thorondir: I am. I'm pissed. But I'm making an Effort
Mouth: *brushes back Thorondir's hair* An effort?
Thorondir: yeah. Like last time. If you kill me again though I'm giving up
Mouth: I already told you, I'm not going to kill you again...
Thorondir: Until you go nuts and decide you'll be 'helping' me
Mouth: Not even then. You'll have to do your own safety killings yourself from here on out...
Thorondir: kay. *relaxes*
Mouth: *rubs Thorondir's shoulders* There there... I won't hurt you...
Thorondir: I'd be put out if you did
Mouth: *nods* I know. Lean forward a bit so I can get at the rest of you back...
Thorondir: sure..
Mouth: Wound tighter than piano strings... *finishes giving the back massage and sits back* There you are... That should feel better now...
Thorondir: It's hard work causing other people stress. That's why *nods* *curls up around Mouth*
Mouth: *smiles and closes eyes*
Thorondir: *considers* *grope*
Mouth: *blink wide* Um?
Mouth: *eyedarts* You know it's getting late perhaps you should go to bed...
Thorondir: why?
Mouth: Because I'm 2000 years older than you and I have better judgement in these things?
Thorondir: Sure you do. *pats Mouth*
Mouth: *eyedarts* Glad you seem to understand...
Thorondir: *curls up on Mouth and nuzzles*
Mouth: *swallows and pets a little* Right but I was serious about the going back to your room part...
Thorondir: I'm ignoring that
Mouth: Fine stay here.
Thorondir: That's my plan
Mouth: My plan includes getting some sleep tonight so *readjusts Thorondir so he can lie down*. Sleep well.
Thorondir: *waits* *pinch*
Mouth: >.< Ouch please do not do that.
Thorondir: Don't want to sleep. *looks at Mouth innocently*
Mouth: Should I tell you a story? *Looks at Thorondir innocently*
Thorondir: ...okay
Mouth: Once upon at time there were these sa.... er pirates....
Thorondir: *listens*
Mouth: And the pirates had a ship called the black simiril and there was a curse...they all had to wear EYELINER! Lots of it...and they were forced to try to sell Mary Kay to the other pirate ships and the other pirates all laughed...
Thorondir: ...
Mouth: ...but the black simiril had pink sails and so noone ever took it seriously and all the other pirate ships were exterminated by the navy and only the black simiril was left and so they won. They still have to wear lots of eyeliner though. The end.
Thorondir: zzzz
Mouth: *grins* I win!
Thorondir: *eye opens* *bite*
Mouth: Ouch! You're supposed to be asleep!
Thorondir: evil never sleeps
Mouth: So it would appear...
Thorondir: *smiles brightly at Mouth*
Mouth: Do you want to hear another story? *hopeful look*
Thorondir: no
Mouth: Oh okay. *yawns*
Thorondir: And you don't get to sleep either
Mouth: Mmn... long night then. I have chess around here somewhere if you're intent on staying up...
Thorondir: *climbs back on Mouth* naw.
Thorondir: I'll just annoy you.
Mouth: May Eru grant me patience and suit yourself...
Thorondir: *beams* *plays with the collar of Mouth's shirt*
Mouth: *eyedarts* You are an odd little imp.
Thorondir: Imp?
Mouth: Little devil.
Mouth: Prankster would probably be a closer word...
Thorondir: *bites again* this is more fun than pinching
Mouth: ¬.¬ umn...
Thorondir: *blinks widely* yes?
Mouth: Probably should inform you that having sex with you is very much not on my to do list for tonight.
Thorondir: So?
Mouth: Just to be completely clear *tries to inch away from Thorondir just a bit*
Thorondir: *cling*
Mouth: *swallows* You okay?
Thorondir: I'm fine.
Mouth: Oh good. *closes eyes*
Thorondir: *nuzzles* why?
Mouth: Just worried that I've done something to upset you or something...
Thorondir: Nope. Still making an Effort
Mouth: an Effort?
Thorondir: An Effort
Mouth: You make it sound important....
Thorondir: it is
Mouth: Is it? Tell me about it then.
Thorondir: It's me trying not to bite your head off for asking me annoying questions
Mouth: Ah. Congradulations then.
Thorondir: mmph
Mouth: *smiles*
Thorondir: It's not even a little on your to-do list?
Mouth: ....It's still wrong.
Thorondir: I'm fairly used to it. *nuzzle*
Mouth: ...I know...
Thorondir: So?
Mouth: I don't know.
Thorondir: come on...
Mouth: *brushes Thorondir's cheek with his thumb* Are you absolutely sure you want this?
Thorondir: No, each time I've been saying: "let's have sex" it's really been a cry for positive attention and maybe a pat on the head
Mouth: Oh good. *pats Thorondir on the head and beams* You're really a valid human being...
Thorondir: *snaps at Mouth's hand*
Mouth: *ruffles Thorondir's hair*
Thorondir: o.o you're evil
Mouth: You're underage. It's a curse.
Thorondir: not *that* much underage..
Mouth: Oh? How much then?
Thorondir: ...don't know the exact age
Mouth: Well you don't have *that* much longer to wait then do you?
Thorondir: just a few years?
Mouth: *nods* Only a few years
Thorondir: ...I am not waiting that long o.o
Mouth: It's not long at all...No doubt you'll grow up and I'll start looking like the jailbait one to you.
Thorondir: *glares*
Mouth: Frozen age blessing and curse...
Thorondir: what's my underageness got to do with it, anyway
Mouth: Not going to sleep with you until you are of age.
Thorondir: whyyyyyy
Mouth: Because. I'm being protective of you.
Thorondir: What could you possibly be protecting?
Mouth: Can these questions wait until I'm not quite so tired?
Thorondir: no. answer them now
Mouth: I'm protecting you from me. understand *tired look*
Thorondir: Why? Do you eat people?
Mouth: No because I'm terrible at relationships. It's taking an Effort for you to keep from snapping at me so there.
Thorondir: I snap at everybody
Mouth: ...
Thorondir: And I'm probably worse at relationships than you. *nods* Would explain Trotter. Still protecting me?
Mouth: >.< Still.
Thorondir: *curls up on Mouth and yawns*
Mouth: *Pets and yawn* Sleep now okay?
Thorondir: *glares* not letting you off the hook. It's just late
Mouth: Come on we both need sleep...especially if you want to continue learning tommorow...
Thorondir: Hmph. *closes his eyes* tomorrow then
Mouth: *shifts to get comfortable* tommorrow...