Title: Under the Lights of Sin City [3/3]
ipanicdailyPairing: Ryan/Brendon, Jon/Spencer, tons more
POV: 3rd; Ryan-centric.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: If I owned anyone in this story [beside Mia and Kade], do you honestly think I'd be writing it? No, I'd be out making it happen. :]
Summary: There were some really great pictures of all kinds of things
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Comments 60
and hi kids, i don't know if you remember me,
but i'm back from the dead. yeah.
this is lil_rainforest here. no? yes?
amaaaaaaaaazing shit <3
fuck this shit. lilrainforest.
and I love you too <3
hence they why we are married xD
-goes to read-
I... This...
I fucking love you. For giving me this fic and just because you're /you/. <3
Butsrsly. I was reading this with mah Samawam and we aww'd so many times. Especially with the whole "You wanna adopt Mia?!" "lolsure! :D" thing. Epic cuteness. (:
I whimpered a bit on the picture with Gabe and William, though because... Well... You know. :/ (Billdidn'tmaketherightdecision,Ryan.Youknowit)
And Brendon asking Ryan to marry him! Holyshit, I teared up a bit! They're so cute and sappy and fluffy and-- Ugh! So adorable. Like, /super/ adorable. <333
(Oh, and I'm sorry for not being on AIM in forever. I'm in California with my friends/family and I never really have the time to get on the computer. Like, as I write this, I'm being rushed to hurry up and get ready so we can go somewhere. :/)
I can't effing wait until you post another fic because your writing is fucking amazing and you're fucking amazing. XD
Awww, you're welcome. And thanks 'cause I love you too.
Yeahhh...I broke my heart adding the Gabilliam part but... *shrug*
I've known since the beginning it would end with Brendon asking Ryan to marry him. And obviously Ryho was gonna say yes.
I knew you were going away ^^ it's all good.
hahaha. I don't know what I'm doing next -- I do know what my next big story will be, though. I'm just working out the details still.
xoxo Tabi
I love you and youre absofuckingbloodylutely amazing-ass story!
from the beginning.
I loved this.
<3 and im so glad that you didn't give up on this story <3
Everything about it.
from the first word of the first fucking sentence to the last fucking period of this one
and I can't stop repeating this but I don't care
<3333333333 I can't wait for your next story :p
I don't know what I'm doing next... I mean, I know what my next full blown story is gonna be, but I'm not sure if I wanna start that or do some s/a's first.
Glad you liked this. It was a long [almost] year :)
xoxo Tabi
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I had fun writing it last night...or this morning, cuz I was actually finishing this at 4am...then when typing it up, I was like "oh shit this is ridiculous" and kept laughing. but it stuck xD
the only thing with me doing standalones, is I'll probably end up doing odd pairings. Like...Gabe/Brendon and shit xD but we'll see.
hahah fourth comment ftw!
thanks for reading/sticking with me <3
xoxo Tabi
I'm happy it's over, but at the same time I'm sad. It's my baby, yo xD
xoxo Tabi
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