Title: Doll House [rewrite]
ipanicdailyRating: R
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Summary: Gerard wakes up in an eerie room, no clue where he is or how he got there. A mysterious voice tells him that he is in a doll house, as are all of his friends. With no idea how big the ‘house’ is, or what condition anyone is in, Gerard has two hours to find each person,
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Comments 17
I like this one better. More detail ^_^
Can't wait for more :D
*Stalks Tabi's page*
Yeah, I like this beginning better too. I want to make the rewrite a lot better than the original in multiple ways.
0.o staalllkkkkerrrr! I NEED AN ADULT! :P
xoxo Tabi
Okay, it is. But nearly everyone starts there. It's like kinder. Mibba is primary school, and LJ is high school! :D
No idea what site can be used for uni though :/
Just one question, are you going to kill anyone? If you do, please warn me so I can grab a box of tissues.
>.> Stalker? Pffft. I ain't no stalker! I'm just... Just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman! ^_^
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Try This
xoxo Tabi
I wrote a story almost like it awhile ago, minus the doll house...
And...Gerard is the creepy jerk/'master'
<3 x33
This is a rewrite of a story I did like...two years ago, now.
It's my way of getting back into Ferard <3
Thanks for commenting
xoxo Tabi
I hope you get everything re-done soon, so that I can whore it and bathe in good writing :]
~K-k-k-katie :33
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