Dear Yuletide Author (2011 Edition)!

Nov 15, 2011 22:04

Thanks for writing my story!

This is my 5th Yuletide! Yuletide is my favorite time of year, and I am so glad it has rolled around once again! In the first few years my author always defaulted, which made me feel sad, like my requests were terrible. So I hope that's not the case and that you'll stick around. I know you can go the distance, dear Yuletide writer!

The following are a few more details about my requests:

Faerie Wars series - Herbie Brennan

I have asked for fic for this every Yuletide. It's my one consistent request. I look forward to the year when I don't request it, because it means someone wrote it! :D

Anyway, ever since I read the series i have been dying for some Henry/Pyrgus or Henry/Blue (honestly even Pyrgus/Blue seems insinuated at times, but I can totally understand if incest squicks you). Gen is fine too, but I would love it if it could examine the maturity of the friendship(s) in some way.

Honestly at this point, after 5 years of requesting and 7+ years of wanting it, I will just be happy that this series gets some fic!


Chronicles of Chrestomanci - Diana Wynne Jones

An old favorite, but one I never thought to request until last year! I have always yearned for Mordecai/Flavian fic, but can never find it! I know that Mordecai and Miss Rosalie are supposed to be involved, but I think he and Flavian have 10x the chemistry. Go back and re-read The Lives of Christopher Chant and the subtext will bowl you over, I guarantee it!

If you want to write gen, that's fine too. But try to leave Miss Rosalie out of it? She's ok, but I really get enough of her from the canon.


She Wants Revenge - She Wants Revenge (album)
I love how each song is a story. And in my brain all these stories are tied together somehow. Not every one, but some to others. Like, I see "Tear You Apart" as a continuation of "She Will Always Be A Broken Girl" (which is actually a song from the subsequent album - This Is Forever). So like a prequel/sequel sort of thing. I would love if someone could turn these into a narrative. Possibly from the girl's (or guy's!) pov, but really anything you want! The "characters" I selected were just the songs I thought told a really good, possibly connectable story.

Extra note: this is my favorite band. You should go see them play live if you haven't already. They're on tour now!


General Notes: Have fun with this, please! I'm not in this to stress anybody out. Also, don't worry about length. I personally am an author that does best writing about 1200 words max. I'm always on the short side for fics, with essays and exams for school... if I make it too long it gets terrible. I understand that everyone is different, so no matter if you write me a 30,000 word epic or a sweet and succinct 1001 words, I will be grateful!

Miscellaneous Likes: I tend to like fics on the lighter side, maybe resolved angst at the most. Slash is obviously fine with me, as is sexual content, but it is in no way expected. If you're into writing sexy stuff, I have a thing for fics where people lose their virginity (idk why).

Miscellaneous Dislikes: I don't tend to like dark fics. Please no suicide/killing or really, really dark stuff in ANY fic. Angst is ok, but better if resolved at the end. Also non-con is a no-no.

**Note: for SWR, you can feel free to pile on the angst! But again, nothing too dark please?


Last but not at all least, dear author, THANK YOU!

♥ iphianassa

P.S. This is my fic journal, if you would like to see more of my everyday interests, please refer to i_phianassa. It's f-locked but you can check out the profile!


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