Fandom: None/RL
Pairing(s): None
Rating: G
Word Count: 311
Notes: Sadly this is real life stuff.
#1. Peruse the miscellaneous form storage section outside Arts Advising. Through the jungle of colours, shapes and sizes, finally locate the correct one. Reach for it and have the last copy snatched from under you by someone who searched for twenty seconds longer and had the one-up.
#2. Cajole your irritable professor into signing said form. Convince him you are a good student and swear that you’ll show up to every class. With coffee and bagels for everyone. Pre-reqs? Of course you’ve taken them! Umm, what were they again?
#3. Proudly re-read your form to make sure that everything is completed. Do your best to guess at what things like ‘session code’ mean. This is wintersession term two, does that mean put term two? While pondering this very weighty question, walk outside and realize too late that it is raining and your form is now soaked. Find a heater to dry it on, and desperately hope the ink hasn’t run.
#4. Stand in the Epic Line at Arts Advising. Halfway through, notice the board that says, ‘turn in add/drop forms to department’. Chuckle to yourself for having the presence of mind to read the sign, and cockily leave the line-up. Take three steps out of line before your realize that the sign is unclear. Department? What department? Unfortunately, you can not ask Arts Advising because you have now left the Epic Line. Understand that people in the Epic Line know this too and that is why they are now smugly laughing at you. After a moment or two of thought, you decide that curling into a ball and starting to cry won’t get the form signed any faster. Decide that throwing carrot sticks at the people in line might.
#5. Finally register successfully for course. Realize it’s too early in the bloody morning. Never go. Fail course. Repeat add/drop form process…