Oct 01, 2007 17:05
Last night around 9pm, while I'm contentedly embroidering (yes, embroidering) in my pjs with the dog next to me on the couch, the doorbell rings. D's not home, I'm not expecting anyone, it's too late for UPS etc., and I really don't feel like bothering with missionaries or salesmen, so I ignore it. Cassie will not shut up about it, however, and keeps whining... so I follow her to the front door and peer out. No one on the porch, no one on the sidewalk, no strange cars, porch pumpkins intact... nothing unusual. /shrug Then I notice a piece of paper lying on the step. I can read it from the window. In purple crayon child-script on white college-rule: You have not been spooked. With sad faces inside the Os of "spooked" and no punctuation. How very, very strange.