Greetings, adventurer! The market administration apologizes profusely for the slack management the past few winter months, but as the spring comes we foresee better management! Your shop has been open for another month, so it is time to charge you rent. It costs 25 points, and you may choose how to break them down into classes. If you have no preference or don't answer this message in a week, they'll be taken equally from all attributes. You can also choose to close your shop, free of charge, and you won't need to pay any more rent beyond this month's. The market administration hopes your business keeps thriving, cheers!
Ack! Sorry about the wait! Had a shift change at work and it kind of threw me there, but I'm getting the last of your screencaps together. I'll pm you a link to file in the next day or two :)
Comments 16
--Option 2--
How many: 150 caps.
Which class(es): 50 points from Hero, 35 points from Rogue if that's alright.
Hopefully you are still open & taking orders :)
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raiindust - Screepcaps Option 2
marcasite - Screecaps Option 2
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