Here's hoping the community's still a little active.
Name: Jessica
Age: 16
Hair and eye color: Red hair, green eyes.
Strong points: I can stay calm in trying situations, and I can hide things from people
Weak points: I'm sarcastic to a fault, and...I'm a bit of a pervert. XD
Pet peeves: Wimpy people. You know, the kind that cry if you tell them no too rashly.
Likes: People who are fun to be around...boys...XD
Dislikes: ...people who think they're just so much better than everyone the point where you oculd clal them elitists.
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite food: Strawberries! ^^
Favorite IR character, and why: Eury Evans! He's drop-dead-sexy, for one. XD And he's very...I dunno, I guess you could call it...real? He just seems like...someone you'd really meet someday, you know? He has...just...I can't really put my finger on it, but there's something about Eury that just makes me love him.
Do you have a gender preference or don't you care: Sexually? XD I'm kidding! I don't really mind...I mean, you're not rating me based on my gender, right? O.o
Leader or follower: I'm more of a leader, really. I mean, I'll follow you if you're worth it, but otherwise...I'm not following your dumb ass to my death...XD
Favorite type of music: really that I can jump around to. But I listen to rock more than anything else.
Anything else you want to add: Mm...not really.
Knock yourselves out.