Title: Carpe Diem
ira_luxuriaPairing: Eventually Frank x Gerard; Mikey x Connor (OMC); Ray x Bob
Word Count:
Rating: G.
Summary: It’s been ten years since Gerard last saw Frank and he’s been trying to keep his slightly crumbling life together for his own sanity
Disclaimer: The characters in this story, though based on stage personas/media
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Comments 9
Awww, Alice! Wow, that's like soo cute lol. I couldn't think of a better way to describe it =P I loved Frank when he was climbing into Gerard's lap, I can just imagine it. He's like a really annoying child, but Gerard doesn't mind because he needs it just as much as Frank does =]
Well, like everything else, I hope you update it soon =]
Thank you. Gerard said it because Frank's like mute sort of. He hasn't spoken in a few years so his voice is a bit scratchy and what not.
Again thanks. Cute is what I aim for. -No pun intended-
I don't have this update but I have two RP
I missedhe update e-mail in mailbox, and just found it today, I was sort of pissed off that I didn't catch it the minute that it arrived.
Thank you btw
thanks but it's early. Lol.
yeah, it was extremely late when i wrote that.
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