Title: Sitting In The Car With The Radio Turned To Static
Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
Characters: Frank Anthony Iero x Gerard Arthur Way.
Table: 4.
Prompt: 054. Drive
Word Count: 800
Rating: G.
Summary: He just wishes it would be over with.
Author's Notes: First time drabble writer. I appreciate any and all comments and criticism. Set in
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Comments 8
Woah, poor Alexia, she must be scared. Was the Great Depression 1837 or '38? Gerard should totally leave his job in 11/12 years and go gold searching =P
=] It really is it. I can't wait for the next one!
Gold searching?
Ah I'm using the 1929 one cause it's like 1935 ish in the fics. Which y'all find out in a few parts to come.
i can't believe he actually broke it off with frank. that sucked. but as usual, he's sticking to his duties and the rules of social interactions. and it sucks.
i loved the descriptions of the little things, the houses they passed, the radio, all the rich walking around the way the butler looked at him. and the girl seems very sweet. i just loved those little bits.
another excellent one! but each one of these make me want more! damnit. i need more soon! fuck damn. who is he working for??
more soon?!
and yet i feel the urge to ask the questions *snorts*
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