Title: The New Boy
ira_luxuriaPairing: Frank x Gerard; Bob x Ray; Mikey x Connor (OMC)
Rating: Pg 13 - R
Summary: See title
Pov: First
Dedications: For
faithfulriver26 for being such an avid reader and all the commenters. It helps a lot
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Comments 10
holy fucking mother of god that was hott
i absolutly adore your descriptions.
Frank’s hand found Gerard’s balls and in a moment of sadism he pulled them, his laugh turning into a harsh groan as Gerard yanked on his.
can you say HOTT!!!!! yeah, i need a change of underwear now
so, moving on, frank's parents are such assholes. i don't care what your child is like you love them and take card of them and support them. you do not make them feel like shit and make them feel like a parent's split was the kids fault and just leave like that. they have no right to do that to him. you just don't do something like that. i mean shit, did they just not think of the impacts it would have on frank. ugh, they make me so angry.
so Gerard's in trouble with Mikey. though i have a feeling there might be more to the problem then the students seeing frank and gerard. if tyler tries anything i swear i'm gonna beat his non-existant ass. *goes to read the next chapter*
Feel free to virtually send me the bill I've already got one xD
Second calm down dear they're just fiction! But they had their reasons just like every other parent that leaves I should know.
Yes Gee's in trouble with Mikey but you'll find out in the next chapter what the problem is and as an advance DON'T HURT ME! feel free to maim though.
Lol feel free to beat Tyler he's already on a hit list xD
LOL, don't worry you'll be gettin' a bill!
i know its just fiction, its just frustrating because they represent real people. and i'm guessing this bit is another part of you added to the story? considering your side comment. i'd say i'm sorry, but it sounds fake. so just *hugs* you are lovely.
yeah, i think i may have already maimed you with the next comment ;P though i do enjoy a new twist, no matter what my reaction is.
oh man, Tyler is going DOWN!!!
Yeah it is a bit but I always figured that if you put some truth into fiction it makes it more realistic but I dunno
Let him go DOWN I'd love to watch.
I think i may have a heart attack. This is some crazy ass drama. Like seriously, scared out of my mind.
I hope nothing happens to Frank!
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