Title: The New Boy
ira_luxuriaPairing: Frank x Gerard; Bob x Ray; Mikey x Connor (OMC)
Rating: Pg 13 - R
Summary: See title
Pov: First
Dedications: For
faithfulriver26 and
silencing_samfor being such avid readers and all the commenters. It helps a lot
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Comments 5
You'll find out everything in the next part or mostly everything.
I'm ajust agree with everything it's 7 in the morning.
looking forward to more!!
I just realised that I havent commented it.
I apologise for not doing that, I think I was just preoccupied with reading the story.
Okay. I freaking love this story.
It has got to be one of the most original ideas I have come across.. and I read a lot of fanfictions.
You are an amazing writer! Keep it up. :)
It's totally cool.
I'm glad you like it.
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