Tutorial #2: Chuck and Blair

Jun 22, 2008 17:40

from this
to this

1. At first take a picture and cropp it as you like. This is my initial icon.

2. In my case the picture is a little bit dark so copy the layer and set it to screen, 70% opacity. This step depends on your icon base.

3. Create a new selective color layer with this settings:
red: -60 +27 +2 0
cyan: +100 0 0 0
neutrals: -17 -1 +1 0

4.Create a new selective color layer with this settings:
red: -40 +5 0 0

5. Create a new channel mixer layer:
red: +112 +8 -18
green 0 +112 0
blue: 0 -4 +116

6. Create a new layer, fill it with #E5E5E5 and set it to multiplicity.

7. Now create a selectve color layer and set this settings:
neutrals: +37 +3 -9 0

8.Create a new selective color layer:
red: -13 -6 +30 0
neutrals: +25 -15 -30 0


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