Tutorial #8: Blair Waldorf

Jun 29, 2008 09:16

from this
to this

1. Resize your picture and crop it.

2. Create a new channel mixer layer:
red: +124 +12 +14
green: 0 +122 +16
blue: -6 +18 +132

3. Create a new selective color layer:
reds: -52 +29 +34
yellows: 0 -17 +15 -20
neutrals: -7 -2 +11 0

4. New color balance layer:
Midtones: -25 +10 -15
Shadows: +5 +13 +19
Highlights: -0 +7 +3

5. Create a new selective color layer:
red: -21 +15 +12 0
yellows: -15 0 +8 0
cyans: +47 0 0 0
neutrals: +18 +7 -5 +3

6. Create new Huge/saturation layer and set the master saturation to +12.

7. Create a new selective color layer:
red: -10 +1 -2 +4
neutrals: +46 -10 -13 0

8.Create a new channel mixer layer and change the blue settings:
blue: -2 +4 +118

9. Crete a new color balance layer:
Midtones: -30 -9 +12
Shadows: -6 +14 +17
Highlights: -52 +7 +6

10.(optional)If your icon looks too saturated add this step. Create a new layer, fill it with #653204 and set it to exclusion 28% of opacity. Now create a new layer, fill it with #D2D2D2 and set it to color burn 43%.


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