This is a request of
callie20, here you've got your tutorial.
from this
to this
1. Take your picture, resize it and crop it.
this is the picture I choose.
2. Create a new color balance layer and set this settings:
Midtones: -10 -14 -21
Shadows: -17 -9 -8
Highlights: +20 +20 +23
3. Create a new selective color layer:
reds: -7 0 +28 0
yellows: -21 +5 +35
neutrals: -7 -3 0 0
4. Create a new huge/saturation layer and set the master saturation to +13.
5. Create a new selective color layer:
reds: -71 0 +77 +20
yellows: +100 -30 -100 0
cyans: +56 0 0 0
whites: +57 0 -55 0
neutrals: +16 +10 +5 0
6. Create a new selective color layer with this settings:
reds: +5 0 +9 0
yellows: -30 0 +11 0
cyans: +23 -23 0 0
magentas: +21 +1 +23 0
neutrals: +26 +4 -13 -3
blacks: -9 +8 +5 -8
.psd more examples
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