Tutorial #14: Ladybug

Jul 08, 2008 11:27

from this
to this

1. Take your picture, resize it and crop it.

2. Create a new selective color layer with this settings:
reds: -80 +47 +62 0
greens: +100 0 -100 0

3. New selective color layer:
reds: -15 +26 +45 0
greens: +100 0 -100 0
cyans: +100 +86 -48 0
magentas: -38 0 +91 0
neutrals: -13 +6 +10 0

4. Set this texture by lexy to color dodge, 50% opacity.

5. Create a new color mixer layer:
red: +120 +26 -68
greens: +14 +108 0
blues: 0 +36 +144

6. Use the basic brushes with #9F0033 and set the layer to color dodge to give more light to the banner

7. Now put some text and voilà!!!!


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