Tutorial #39: Friends

Dec 22, 2008 13:16

from this
to this

1. Take your picture, resize it and crop it.

2. Create a selective color layer:
reds: -90 0 +53 0
greens: +100 0 -100 0
whites: +66 -64 -100 0
neutrals: +22 -11 -23 0

3. New curves layer:
point 1: 108 149
point 2: 156 211
point 1: 80 88
point 2: 134 155
point 1: 121 131
point 2: 153 155
point 1: 112 128
point 2: 152 165

4. New color balance layer:
midtones: +14 -6 -20
shadows: -13 +14 `36
highlights: -5 -7 -8

5. Correccion selectiva:
reds: -44 +7 +28 0
cyans: +72 +17 -14 0

6. Set this texture to screen, to fill the black part of the icon.


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