Tutorial #50: La casita del campo

Dec 31, 2008 10:24

from this
to this

1. Choose a picture, resize it and crop it. This tutorial works differently with different bases, as you can see in the examples.

2. Create a curves layer:
point 1: 94 152
point 2: 137 196

3. Create a new layer, fill it with color #F4AD7B and set it to color burn, 30% opatiy.

4. Create a new layer, fill it with color #81D0F4 and set it to darken, 22% opatiy.

5. Create a new selective color layer:
reds: -44 +24 +80 0
whites: +81 -46 -87 0
neutrals: -12 -2 -2 0

6. Set this texture by spooky-window to multiply.

7. New channel mixer layer:
red: +112 0 -14
blue: +10 -4 +106


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