Tutorial #58: Wonder woman

Feb 02, 2009 08:59

from this
to this

1. This is my original picture. Take it, resize it ans fill the gaps. To do this I used smudge tool.

2. First we will add some light and some cyan to the icon. So create a selective color layer:
reds: -49 +12 +55 0
yellows: -40 +6 -70 0
neutrals: +44 -10 -20 0

3. The image is too dark so we will fix this using a channel mixer layer:
red: +122 +10 -10
green: 0 +114 0

4. Add another selective color layer to enhace the red and the cyan:
reds: +60 +16 +28 0
cyans: +90 -16 +14 0
blues: +100 0 0 0

5. The icon is a little bit dark, and I want a bluish coloring so we will change it with a curves layer:
point 1: 109 132
point 2: 188 213
point 1: 123 137
point 2: 168 175

6. And finally is time to add some text. The font I used is called BadaBoom BB.


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