So there's this Mr. Politically Correct guy...

Feb 14, 2009 20:45

Nah, I give you new ircfiesta entry... as well as a sort of V-day/SAD event thing...

[20:28] (Ren) happy vday aiko
[20:28] (Ren) happy vday lab
[20:28] * Ren passes chocos around

[20:28] (may_billy) happy SAD day ppl.8D
[20:29] (Neriel_Tu) happy v-day to you too ren

[20:29] (izzu) S.A.D. and sad I read differently....
[20:30] (izzu) so I read selamat hari sedih :(
[20:30] (izzu) anyway Sad already singles awareness day....

[20:30] (Neriel_Tu) it's a sad day nevertheless
[20:31] (Neriel_Tu) a sad day for the masses roses that get crucified
[20:31] (izzu) should have been... Happy SAD... or Happy SA day
[20:31] (izzu) XD
[20:31] (Ren) ...

[20:31] (Neriel_Tu) a sad day for ppl's wallets to have dinner on thsi day just becayse it's v-day
[20:31] (Gahleon) we saw a restoran with an anti valentine banner justnow
[20:31] (Ren) XD

[20:32] (Ren) heavily commercialized day
[20:32] (aiko) happ vday ren =)
[20:32] (izzu) Happy single awareness day Day.... sound repetatove
[20:32] (Gahleon) got one section only for single people lol
[20:32] (Ren) i dont celebrate it anyways :D

[20:32] (izzu) selamat hari coklat mahal
[20:32] (Neriel_Tu) and maybe for some, a sad day for children / adults all over the world who was on this day their parents had sex and were born in the lovely month of november
[20:32] (izzu) lol

[20:32] * Neriel_Tu sniggers )D
[20:32] (Gahleon) this is one bad vday
[20:32] (Ren) lol what lab
[20:32] (Neriel_Tu) ren, it's the truth 8P
[20:32] * Ren tosses herman li's guitar to lab

[20:33] (izzu) vendetta day~
[20:33] (Ren) remember remembert
[20:33] * Neriel_Tu air guitars with the imaginary herman li guitar
[20:33] (Ren) the 5th of november
[20:33] (Ren) lol
[20:33] (Neriel_Tu) yes... the 5th of november..... lololololololollool
[20:33] (Neriel_Tu) i know when your parents did the horizontal tango )P

[20:34] (Neriel_Tu) OH OH!!! this day is also a VERY sad day for the billions and TRILLIONS of wasted sperms...
[20:34] (izzu) lol
[20:34] (Ren) lol what
[20:34] (ryu_rai_jin) ....

[20:34] (Ren) lab making very weird comments
[20:34] (Neriel_Tu) yeah.. those that didn't make it =\

[20:35] (Neriel_Tu) lol ren, i'm giving you reasons why today is a "sad" day XD
[20:35] (Neriel_Tu) and it's facts....
[20:35] (Neriel_Tu) this day is nothing but the sadness of wasted.... things..

[20:35] (Ren) oho you dont say
[20:36] (Ren) its already a sad day for me
[20:36] * Ren has many memories on this day XD

[20:36] (izzu) a sad day for deru for the prices of saham coklat naik menggunung~
[20:36] (Ren) lmao izzu
[20:36] (Ren) padan muke >D

[20:37] (Neriel_Tu) starts off with the girl who wants something from their bfs.... so they buy roses, that don't last... chocolate, that comes out the same colour in a different way later... food, drinks, blahblahblah... and at the end of the day after the girl has been fully satisfied and showered with lurve.... there's only one thing guys (ok i'm making generalisation but lets say MAJORITY) want hawt steamy smex
[20:37] (Neriel_Tu) hence the poor swimmers =\
[20:37] (Neriel_Tu) /tsk
[20:38] (Ren) @w@;

[20:38] (ryu_rai_jin) i pity those men .
[20:38] (Ren) sweeping statement fuse blew
[20:38] * Ren goes and replace :3
[20:38] (ryu_rai_jin) who only think about smex
[20:38] (Ren) boy those things are hard to find nowadays
[20:38] (Ren) aaaa

[20:41] (Neriel_Tu) the whole sad day thing was for fun XD
[20:41] (Ren) LOL lab
[20:41] (Neriel_Tu) sad in a funny way
[20:41] (Neriel_Tu) lol

[20:41] * ryu_rai_jin nods
[20:41] (ryu_rai_jin) we always knew , 8D
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