So...happy belated new year, I guess? XD
I was enjoying my break so much that I forgot Nah, I was too lazy to write a Christmas, New Year, and last day of break / first day of SKULE post XD
So first, result update: last semester's result is all out and I managed to bring up my mark back to two B+, one A-, and two A for my 5 courses which have a chance of ending up with B- or C+. I ended up with an average of a seasonal GPA of 3.66 and an average of 81.6. Yes, that was really a close call (the threshold to get into Dean's List is an 80 average). The me last semester was really all over the place, especially because my midterms happened around job hunting period. Some of them were after I got the job, but the
mental fatigue from it was still there to drag my mark down. Not an excuse though.
But ya, it's a fresh start this semester~ and the fact that I've got my internship for this May really lift up a huge portion of my burden :3
Honestly, the courses I'm taking this semester are all challenging yet seemed interesting:
- 3 are mandatory courses which I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel about them.
- 2 are technical electives which I find really interesting yet really challenging.
- 1 is a complementary study (CS) elective which I'll need for my minor.
Ok first of all, why did I say that this semester is gonna be challenging?
- I'm taking 2 technical electives, where technical electives are considered courses with quite a heavy workload compared to CS or other electives. Yes, I do realize that it's gonna be hard, but I've heard upperclassmen saying that it's not impossible so long as I love the courses and am committed to spending more time on them.
- I've attended 5/6 of the courses and guess what? 2 of them are programming course. HAHA This is definitely what they said: the more you avoid things, the more likely they'll come to you XDD
Though you see, one of those programming courses is the technical elective I'm really interested in, which is why I decided to stay.
- The CS elective I'm taking is known to be the hardest of the 3 requirements for my minor. A lot of people said that its workload is no joke.
That's about my courses. To be honest, I found out that I have 2 programming courses today (I pretty much suck at coding for the record) so my feelings today really was going up and down. Last semester, I literally was being carried by my team members on our programming project: they did the code and I did the report. This semester's coding is a whole different language, more to a mathematical implementation one (it's MATLAB this semester while it was Java and C before), so I was a bit relieved. But the fact that I can't really team up with people I'm close to due to the Prof's requirement kinda made me nervous too. Like, "what would happen to me" was my thought XD
Not gonna lie, even though I said that one of the coding course really interests me, the thought of dropping that one did cross my mind last Friday. But as I thought about it again, I don't want to be someone useless who kept running away from my problem, or I should say: challenge. I didn't regret dropping a course last semester as my marks have been pretty bad and that course turned out to be not as how I thought it would be. But the one this semester is the course I find interesting. Dropping this would feel like running away. No, that's not the kind of person I want to be.
And I was reminded by these two sayings:
- Narumi Ryosuke's speech from Sakiboku drama, rephrased: "Life won't go as you want it to. You'll face a wall and by overcoming it, you gain confidence. The worst thing is to do nothing. Even in soccer, those who don't run won't get the pass."
- Ohno Satoshi's word recorded in Arashi 15 years documentary by NHK, rephrased: "When will those who don't give out their best in what's in front of them be able to give out their best?"
Biased as it may seem, those words are really true. My major is known to code quite a lot. What pride and skill will I have had I not obtain those skills? Will I be able to say that I'm an Industrial Engineering graduate while not bearing those skills? No right? So ya, I decided to keep all those 6 courses.
I will try my best to keep my marks maintained with all those 6 courses. It will be hard, yes, but it's not impossible. I managed to pass my coding courses so far (I've passed several that require individual works, so I wasn't being carried by my group mates or so) and surprisingly with high marks too (yes, my coding course on 2nd year 1st semester ended up being my highest mark that semester XD). If I could do that, why can't I now? Not gonna give up before I try, right? :3
So ya! Irene will do her best this semester too! >o<)9
"With the strength to not lose to yourself, you can break through any wall"