FanFic: "Ground Fire" (Hawaii Five-0) - Chapter 21 of ??

Jun 01, 2014 12:18

H5O* H5O* H5O* H5O* H5O*


"We're done now, Commander." Denton had completed the finishing touches on the cast with his patient becoming more and more disagreeable by each passing inch of its molded fitting. He had also been watching the man like a hawk; noting the glassy-eyed expression and muted shake to his hand which he'd been trying to hide. Every so often, there was a spasmodic swallow which indicated nausea, yet that likely fact was denied each time Denton had asked.

"This will only need about thirty minutes to dry and you can go on your way."

The first step had easily appealed to Steve and leaving for a few hours certainly did, too. The orthopedic doctor had spontaneously used a waterproof cast liner as an underpad to withstand water for bathing, washing and even swimming. However, the more lengthy second step had taken a southerly direction evidenced by Steve's temperamental mood despite Denton's blithe remarks about the fiberglass cast being of lighter weight and more breathable than its older plaster counterpart.

"I don't see why it's got to be so damned ... big." Steve had alternated between leaning completely back to rest and propping himself up on his elbows to watch the fine physician. His ire at having his entire leg encased for six weeks was slowly reaching a vexed state of no return. The truth was though, that he did understand because he'd been told numerous times about the necessity of keeping his healing patella free of any stresses or movement. This included undo pressure or tension from surrounding ligaments, tendons and muscles.

He chuffed in disgust as he eyed the horrifically restrictive object that graced his leg like an alien being. "Now what?" He growled out angrily. "How am I supposed to get home like this or do a single thing for that matter?"

Steve thumped back onto the bed in a temper. He was typically much more accepting, mild-mannered and able to cope with any multitude of things thrown his way; even when they were least expected. But this had completely taken away his fortitude and ability to come to terms with such an overwhelming, new challenge.

"You're tired." Denton again was spouting a gentle truth Steve had no interest in hearing. Constantly checking his watch, he felt that he had a lot to do, even more to look after and now, Keanu Iona was taking much too long to return. The doctor was correct though and Steve bit back a retort while rubbing eyes which were watery, painful circles. He was exhausted and a dull headache had become a new persistent friend. And while he wasn't all that nauseous per se, his stomach was in a bit of a disagreeable snit.

"Rest for the next thirty minutes. When that young HPD officer returns, we can discuss how best to get you home and make sure you have access to any help you might need." The advice continued to be sound and offered in a steady manner.

With a somewhat agreeable wave of his hand, Steve closed his eyes. He fidgeted, then dozed only to wake impatiently to more restlessness. He waited the thirty minutes, and then forty-five. He stifled an irritated comment about his new AWOL personal assistant, and then was about to ring the nurse's station when Denton returned with crutches and a wheelchair.

"It's about time." Steve moodily remarked. He squirmed upright to then accept the help from Denton and the nurse, determinedly biting back a dizzying wave of annoying vertigo. It darkened his peripheral vision to leave sparkling stars dancing in the space between where he sat and the wheelchair.

"Are you alright? Don't move for a minute and let us help you." He heard Denton's voice as if it were intentionally muffled by wads of cotton. A hand wrapped around his wrist and he completely missed the warning look Denton aimed at his nurse to be ready as their patient's blood pressure dropped too quickly. Tired was exhausted and the crash was officially pending. They studiously aimed him backwards again as he wobbled in place. "Commander? Steve?"

Unable to speak, Steve shook his head as if to clear the oddly wavy obstructions from his eyes and ears. He felt strong hands on his shoulders as he rocked badly in a seated position. He'd barely moved twelve inches on the hospital bed, yet his ability to focus was entirely gone.

He felt their hands and heard the murmurs of support but could do nothing as his world tilted drastically once more. Vainly attempting another shake of his head, that misguided action was the last thing he remembered as he pitched uncontrollably forward. Saved by two sets of hands, he was out for the count as Denton carefully lay him back on the hospital bed with a rueful, tolerant grin.

H5O* H5O* H5O* H5O* H5O*

Kono and Keanu Iona stood outside the small out-patient room where Steve supposedly had just had his cast put on. Iona was fretting that he'd been gone for such a long period of time, that Steve would lambaste him for having to wait. Or worse, think that something was wrong with a member of his team. However, they'd been forbidden to enter with no reason readily offered.

"Maybe I should take you back." Iona offered. Kono was pale and approaching an uncomfortable state of illness again after being up too long.

"Not until we find out what's wrong." Admittedly tired, Kono was now more upset that something had happened to Steve. A few minutes later though, Doctor Denton stepped out to their combined relief.

"Before you ask, yes, we had a bit of a problem." Denton raised one hand to quiet their dual outbursts before they could occur. "He's going to be fine, but the Commander passed out when he sat up. Do either of you know when he last had something to eat? Or more importantly, actually slept more than fifteen minutes at one stretch?"

Iona's mouth flapped open and then slammed shut. He had nothing to say or offer because he truly didn't know. Shaking her head as well, Kono of course was in the same dark ignorant corner. "Oh." Her shock came out as a soft monotone sound and it took her a moment to recover. She could guess based on what had happened over the last many hours and grimaced worriedly.

"No. I have no idea. None."

"We're going to let him sleep himself out in here." Denton explained. "He's a bit dehydrated so I ran a line for fluids. Nothing too bad but I thought it best to further stabilize his system. Other than that, the man is simply exhausted clear off his feet."

"Can we see him?" It didn't matter to Kono that Steve would be sleeping. She needed to put her mind at ease that he'd be fine by laying her eyes directly on his face. Denton quietly reopened the door for them to go in. He understood the ongoing stress caused by a mission fraught with problems from start to finish. Even the hospital was continuing to reel from the terrible after-affects of losing one of their own and having a number of their peers wounded by the frightening attack. Everyone needed a brand of reassurance and more than a modicum of regular kindness.

"I doubt if a squadron of F-14 fighter jets landing on the roof of this fine establishment would wake him at this point, but keep it down. Make sure that you don't disturb him." He admonished softly. "Try not to stay too long."

Lips tightened to a thin white line, Kono nodded as Iona wheeled her in. The HPD officer then frowned in concern for a number of very valid reasons. First, Steve was pale and completely unmoving which was disconcerting unto itself. During the short span of time spent in his company, the Five-0 Commander had been a ball of active energy. Secondly, he couldn't quite make out the size of the cast which seemed to take over the bulk of the bed. He made a face before looking a second time to gauge what looked like a cumbersome thing of a very interesting color.

"Oh, boss." Kono whispered tightly. She ran her hand over her eyes and sighed quietly. Of course he'd be fine, but knowing Steve had run himself into the ground for all of them was beyond upsetting. She wanted to sympathetically reach out and touch his hand or his arm, but refrained in fear of changing the peaceful quietude of the room.

"The cast." The words hung ever so softly above her head. Iona cocked his head to visually trace the impressive outline under the light hospital sheet. "Impressive." It seemed to encase the area just above Steve's knee, all the way down to his ankle. There was a slight bend molded into it, but if what Iona could make out was real, the Commander was likely not very pleased.

"Yeah. I bet that went over well." Kono breathed back on a soft exhale as she too gauged the formidable outline of the molded cast. "Probably looks a lot worse than it is."

The lights in the room had already been dimmed and the sides to the bed pulled up should its occupant accidentally move or roll in sleep. But based solely on the deeply lax expression which was conversely creased with heavy lines of bone-weary fatigue, Kono knew that Steve would not be moving for many hours to come. He was already in a profoundly comfortable state which he very well deserved. She managed a smile when his fingers twitched. Then she was gesturing Iona to back them both out as quietly as they'd entered.

~ to be continued ~

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Chapter 22:

danny williams, duke lukela, hawaii five 0, steve mcgarrett, chin ho kelly, team fic, hawaii five-0, h50, fan fiction, hurt, bonding, kono kalakaua, comfort

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