Title: Walking With A Ghost (1/7)
IrisayamePairing: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13 for the first 6 chapters, NC-17 for the last.
Length: ~ 24000+
Spoiler: Uh, none really, but let's say season 1?
Summary: When Rachel dies, she returns as a ghost. She doesn't know what to do, let alone what's keeping her on earth, until she discovers that Quinn
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Comments 1
I do have to admit that just the thought of Santana crying and Mr. Shue holding her to calm her down made me cry. I mean, because it's Santana!
Also...what in the hell is going on with Quinn? Why won't she just give Rachel a clear cut answer. I look forward to finding out what's with her. Especially since Rachel was right, Quinn's emotional depth for that song, even just through descriptions, was strong and deep. So...whose she trying to kid?
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